Introductory Post ~

Apr 27, 2010 01:50

Hmm. How to begin?

いらしゃいませ!< I flail with Japanese toolbar.

Post edited: 3rd October 2010 :)

I felt like it might be time to write a new one, even though there are other things I definitely should be doing, but since procrastination is the bane of my existence, it's not as though I can actually avoid not doing it (this is only an excuse, as you see).

I am girl still in her late teens who is now happily addicted to Livejournal and inundated with tabs, trying to keep up. I didn't expect to end up doing anything with this account, but now that I have, I've been branching into different areas of creativity. So, I write, I draw, I edit profile code, I edit images, I colour manga pages, I beta, I proofread, I typeset, I translate (slowly), I make icons and banners, and ... lurk, I guess. Who knows.

Other than that, I'm still studying the Bachelor of IT course at UTS in Sydney, Australia. <- You can try to stalk me there, but you'll fail, so I don't mind telling you about that. XD

Happy to provide any help anyone would like. ;D

Hello, if you have somehow stumbled onto this completely and utterly taste-less, layout-less page, well... I don't have the faintest clue how you got here, unless I happened to link this as my 'site' as I occasionally do because, well, I don't really have an answer for that. (Let's just just say I do many weird and unable-to-be-explained things. Also this is a bit nicer than here, actually: Monochrome Wind) (Or unless you have friended me. Yes, you, lone person. How do I tag you here?)

So the reason this post is structured thusly is that I don't expect myself to be posting here much, since I don't see myself to have any specific talents for the Livejournal community to exploit, or indeed have anything really that interesting to say (yes I have been cursed with the .... curse of having no visitors, usually.) In any case, if you have been so interested in humble old me to have bothered reading so far, I suppose I should ramble on more about myself (is this trying to send you away? Um, well, let's say that was not the -initial- intention, but who knows...).

So I'm female, and in my late teens. I suppose that kind of information is alright to give away (ha). I'm quite obviously quite attached to my privacy, or at least in terms of my identity, not the people I talk to, but any rate, if you get to know me, well, you'll really get to know me. Hi thar. :D Quite apart from that, I like anime and manga and quite like to read, draw and write, although I haven't really tried my hand at writing for animes/mangas for a while. (I've written some Inuyasha and FMA, Chrono Crusade, umm.... Twilight (... yuk)) I won't post my account, but if you want it you can always ask - heh (yes, talk to me!).

I'm quite surprised I have only used one emote thus far. Well well. Anyway, also if you're interested in my art, hop over to my profile where there's a deviantart link. I'm not awesome at all this stuff like other LJ users seem to be, but I'm happy to provide anyone with any services should they request it (that includes: art, fanfiction (of almost any variety, yes slash would be fine too, I'm not all that sure about lemons, but willing to try my hand if I must (kekeke *entering realm of darkness*)), amateur translation :\ (Chinese and Japanese?) and some minor fansubbing (I've only done it once, haha). Ok with Photoshop edits if you need any of that, but not particularly skilled.

I'm also a night owl and somewhat addicted to being on the internet, so if you want anything, drop me a comment or two. Or you can mail me. o_o I do things for no charge you know! ~ Cheap! Free! Not as good as some other DA users, but if you don't mind what I can offer, I can be the person you want. xD

Other than that I do a Business IT course (that seems so unrelated to everything I said before), so if you want some advice on Linux/HTML/CSS/Java issues, you can throw them my way. Though I warn you that Java is not good for me. x_x Physical and mental health wise. -headdesk- <- You see?

Have a nice day ~


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