Weekend Report: All Alone on Easter

Apr 18, 2006 23:26

All my friends left to go home for Easter, and I had to rot in Davis!!!!!

Seriously, it wasn't that lonely, but it did get kinda boring near the end.

I spent the first part of the day finishing my Computer Security assignment: we had to overflow some input buffers to make the program do strange things. I had no problem with the concept of launching buffer attacks--it was little things that made this assignment take longer than 2 hours. Seriously, at one point my attacks weren't working cuz I had newlines in my attack script, so only the first 10 bytes of my 540 byte exploit was written to the computer. But I still got it done, and I raced Alex to see who could finish the whole thing faster. I'm proud to say I won, but he started it this morning, so he deserves more kudos than me.

Afterwards I killed time until 24 Night, which had more people than usual cuz Natalie+1 was there! I think half the people went to get food at the Guad, and the other half trickled in as we were watching 24. And Natalie+1 finally got her DVD of the first 12 episodes of the season, so she was very happy overall!

I played a lot of video games, and some guitar, but lots of people were busy and could not hang. I did start my Databases assignment, and I had Chipotle for dinner, so yay for me! Afterwards, I drove to the Wal-Mart in Dixon to get some stuff for the apmt, but of the three things I was looking for (a good JackPack, a small bookcase, a small trash can for cans/plastic recyclables), I only found the trash can. That's OK, I toured all the aisles looking for anything else I needed, and I found a Metroid Prime Hunters demo in the video game aisle. I don't care what anyone says, aiming with the stylus is fucking pimp. I also peeked in the local Gamestop to look for cool stuff, but there wasn't anything that caught my eye.

Usual Sunday: kill time in the morning until Software Engineering meeting at Dan Lorca's. We were still working on the login screens for all the possible users, but we did get all the project technologies working. Dinner was KFC, cuz most stores were closed for Easter, but in retrospect that was a bad idea cuz the KFC I ate did not like me. Then I went home to do more Databases and chill.
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