Kirk felt somewhat better when returning from engineering. Hearing his lady talk had been an absolute pleasure, and briefly he wondered if she had spoken to anyone else like that or he was her first. That thought made him laugh, and the last tensions of the night spilled away. There would be too much to deal with the next day, but right now the only thing he wanted to do was sleep.
He crept into his own quarters
since he knew Bones was asleep there. Kirk quickly stripped himself down and vanished into the bathroom long enough for a fast sonic shower and to brush his teeth, then crawled up along side of Bones.
When he buried his head gently against the back of Bones' head, he could immediately smell the liquor that had obviously been what rocked his friend to sleep that night (or possibly decked him in the back of the head with a sledgehammer.) We'll get to just go out and sleep on the beach for a while, and maybe go get some really good seafood. Wanna spend some time in the sun, heard they have rock climbing, swim...
The idea made him smile and he wrapped his arms around Bones' body, whispering something too quiet to hear against the other's ear before he let himself fall asleep.