Private Communication to John Grimm
We need to meet up again, talk, whatever. You up for a game of poker? Maybe we can wrestle up some of the guys...
Private Communication to Nyota Uhura
We need to talk about the away mission stat. When are you available soonest?
Private Communication to Bones
I need medical's report about the ladies from the away mission asap.
Private Communication to Laurence Alexander
You will be under review for two weeks by order of the Captain. Your actions will be reviewed and checked and until then, you will be off duty with pay. If you are cleared, you will return to duty as normal. If not, there will be consequences.
Private Communication to Starfleet
Attached are the coordinates for a newly discovered planet. It is rich with dilithium. We need security and mining ships brought as soon as possible. Also upon the planet, stranded due to a lack of fuel, are the criminals known as Ayel and Nero as well as their ship.