[Day 10 NVC] -- [Finding the Past and Future] -- [SPrime and Jim]

Apr 14, 2010 10:29

It hadn't been an easy decision to leave Bones behind, to go out on some wild goose chase based on a feeling he had. His body still hurt, still bore some of the worst bruises from Spock's pon farr, still wasn't caught up on sleep and food. Bones, Jim knew pretty damn well, was less than happy with him for doing this. But... he equally hoped, was pretty sure, that Bones understood it. That same something that had driven him to find the elder Spock on Delta Vega, completely unconsciously not fate, he didn't believe in that, was driving him now. Besides, he had more than one reason to find the older Vulcan. It would mean the life or death of the bond now strung painfully between the four of them, without shape or known reason and making his head throb.

As far as anyone knew, and as far as Jim could tell, no one knew who the elder Spock really was. He couldn't find any information on him, and was mostly assuming Spock was living under an assumed name. Old codger was cunning like that. Didn't make finding him any easier, and in the end he let that something guide him like a compass needle.

He guessed he was maybe fifty miles outside of the city's outer most limits, down into the wilderness they hadn't gotten into yet. The cycle had yet to be slowed down, just following wherever the instinct led him. It hummed under his thighs, slightly aggravating bruises down there but was ignored. He could still feel Spock, the youngest of the lot of Spocks, in the back of his mind but it was thankfully, mostly, distant as if Spock was concentrating on something else. The previous night hadn't been easy, but once Spock had laid off on focusing on him it had gotten better. Jim had a very determined mind to do something about that, for himself and Bones.

He turned through a pair of trees, and brought the cycle up to a hard halt as the trees suddenly dropped away to expose a clearing. Slowly, Jim smiled.

It was a beautiful looking home, blended into the area and large. It seemed almost oddly shaped, maybe a pentagon or hexagon with several of them put together, all done in earth-colored tones. He had come up along the front of the home, if Jim could guess, and other than the miles of wilderness on all sides it could have been tucked into any one of the city streets.

He pulled the cycle up near the front door, turned it off, and left it there. Not like anyone else would be coming. He had read reports that some Vulcans had turned away from the masses, deciding to trek out across the surface of the planet to live their own lives, too damaged from the mass trauma of the planet's destruction. Jim wondered how many of them he had met himself, down in sickbay and tucked into cramped rooms on the Enterprise.

Jim pressed the buzzer by the front door, knowing it was the right place to be.

sometimes the pain is inside and out, fuck my life, the past never leaves us, brought together by fate, not so boldly going

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