When they woke up in the morning, Jim was alone in bed. Jim only briefly thought of it, of the lovely lady that they had ravaged (and ravaged right back, wondered if he could convince Bones to do this again) and wondering where Bones was. Otherwise, he felt damn good. Hungry, thirsty, but good. He took a slow deep breath on the salty air that came
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He walked inside, not looking at the bed as he started to dig out clothes. His mind was racing back to far older days, wanting to get on his cycle and outride his own thoughts.
"Yeah, it is kind of weird, but from what I remember, we all had a good time. We actually shared McCoy without fighting about it."
He stopped to put on his shirt.
"Last night worked out, and if you can't see it..." Sam shrugged. "I'm sorry that you can't."
Sam pulled on his boots, lacing them up slowly.
"Sometimes in life, you've got to choose what to be upset over. For me, this isn't one of those things I'm going to spend the time to be upset about. It isn't that I don't love you or care about McCoy, it's just that after the life I've led, this doesn't seem like something worth getting upset over."
"Leonard. If you're going to say you care about him, and you aren't on the god damn job, and you've fucked him, at least call him Leonard." There was a cold pit in his stomach at the idea that someone else had taken Bones, that he was just getting almost played in this... no. No Bones loved him... shit.
"Hopefully you'll feel better by the time I get back." Sam crossed the quarters to the door. "Have a good rest of your leave, okay?"
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