Title: Sparked
Chapter: Drabble
kiroyo Genre: Angst
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own no one!
Rating: G
Pairing: Kai x Reita but open pairing is more than fine too
Synopsis: It's too short for one.
Comments: Comments?
Kai's POV
A soft beep. A vibration rattled off against the wooden table top.
I glanced up, could it be..?
Holding on to that diminishing little glimmer of hope, I reached for the cell and slowly let my eyes roam over the text message that just came in.
I sighed, tossed the device back across the table, tilted my head back and closed my eyes.
There it was again, the little spark of hope which flickered, stilled and died. The familiar feeling of a stone’s dropping into the pit of my stomach, like a heart falling out of its place, heading towards somewhere unfamiliar to escape its duty of delivering feelings to the soul.