Title: Vertically challenged
Chapter: Drabble
kiroyo Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own this page of lies.
Rating: G
Pairing: Kai x Ruki
Synopsis: Ruki's tall, but everyone's always taller.
The vocalist stomped into the room. Eyebrows crossed, arms folded and signature pout on his lips.
Kai set aside the papers in his hands and leaned back onto the couch.
This was after all, an almost daily occurrence.
"What's wrong?" he bit back on the last word he nearly uttered, 'again'.
"Reita's a jerk!" spat Ruki as he dumped his weight next to the drummer.
"Isn't he always?" said Kai calmly, reaching over to pat the blonde hair fondly.
"That's not the point! He called me short again!" the vocalist who stopped growing at a tender age retorted with much venom in his voice.
"That's not untrue either Ru-chan."
"Fuck you! Shut the hell up Kai!" Ruki sniffed dramatically, "And I naively thought you'd have the right thing to say." he turned his back on the amused one and huddled up into a ball.
"You are short Ru-chan" emphasised the drummer. At that, Ruki spun around, eyes as wide as Koron's and lips apart, ready to spew another vulgar remark when strong arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him onto the other's lap.
"But that doesn't mean you're anything short of perfect to me." came the suspiciously low voice of the drummer, his lips viciously close to the shell of shorter's ear.
Cheeks aflame, Ruki muttered "... Shut the fuck up."
"I love you too."
A/N: I thought we all could do with some fluff. Trying out a new pairing?