Title: Tide
Chapter: Drabble
kiroyo Genre: Angst
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own no one!
Rating: G
Pairing: Kai x Reita
Synopsis: It happened again.
Comments: Comments?
Like a tide. Pushing and pulling against the shore over and over again repetitively. Reita’s promises were like the tide; always raising his hopes up, and always letting it crash and crumble to bits at the very last moment.
He was always near to fulfilling his promises. Near. Like how one would spot an exquisite seashell in the water that the tide brought in, only to have your finger tips brush against it and have water and sand pass right through your fingers tips. Near, just nearly grasping it but yet never quite getting there.
Kai had once consoled himself by thinking that these happenings were a mere series of unfortunate coincidences, that these happenings that occurred were beyond their control, that ultimately it was neither of their faults. Yes, Kai had let himself believe this so strongly that one day it finally dawned upon him that perhaps they really weren't meant to be.
As someone who does not believe in a puppeteer up there manipulating our lives like a meaningless little staged gig, who does not believe in fate, who does not believe in the red thread tale which supposedly binds our destinies, Kai found himself appalled at his own thinking. Since when was he someone who surrendered himself to "fate"? What is all this "not meant to be" nonsense? Rubbish, yes, that's what this all is, he concurred.
We decide how we lead our lives. Everything happens not because of some almighty being pulling strings but because of our own actions and behaviour.
That is what Kai has believed in all along, and it is something he still grasps on strongly too. Which led to the only true and selfish conclusion he has been denying himself all along: Reita's in the wrong. In fact he has always been.
It might be an entirely selfish thought, but for now Kai allowed himself to think this way. For it would spare him anymore anguish he would have to suffer if he does not make him the bad cop. For now, for just for this moment in time, Kai decided to let Reita assume all the guilt and blame.
For now, for just this moment in time, he finally let himself breathe.