Title: Caramel Frappucino
Chapter: One-shot
kiroyo Genre: Humour
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I own this page of lies.
Rating: G
Pairing: Reita x Kai
Synopsis: Uruha gets shipped off to that café again.
Comments: A café fic.
“Tell me why we are here again?” sighed Uruha dramatically, “No actually, why am I here again.” The small eyes of his best friend seated across him narrowed into slits. Damn that grinning bastard. “Urgh take those off! You look ridiculous. No one except me can’t tell that you’re smiling beneath all that bandage. They’d probably think you’re a pedophile on the loose.”
Reita though, merely shrugged and stirred the cup of black coffee before him.
The pulse at Uruha’s temple throbbed and bulged. “This is stupid. Why’d you order something when you can’t even eat or drink with all that-“ His hands proceeded to make wild roller coaster loops in the air.
He received another shrug and the pair of eyes now formed thin lines accompanied with a “V” sign next to them.
Uruha had maxed out his sighing capacity for the day. Instead, he grabbed his caramel frappucino and lounged back on the arm chair. He might as well make himself comfortable since he was here. For the fourth time this week. For four hours each at that.
“So how serious are you about him?” He asked, tilting the straw of his drink to the cheery single-dimpled coffee boy at the cashier. It was that one dimple on that one smile on that one afternoon many months ago which entranced his mummified best friend.
“Very.” Came the muffled reply.
Uruha rolled his eyes. “How very is ‘very’?”
Reita swirled his now cold coffee. “I’d give up face wrapping for him.”
Uruha’s jaws fell. He whipped over to stare at the coffee boy who held unbeknownst power over the poorly cosplayed ninja.
“That’s very, very, very serious…”
A/N: Set in gazette's high school era.