Title: Masochist
Chapter: One-shot
kiroyo Genre: Angst
Warnings: Abuse
Disclaimer: I own this page of lies.
Rating: G
Pairing: Kai x Reita
Synopsis: Not knowing what's right for us and not wanting to believe what's wrong are two sides of a coin.
Human beings are all masochists, Kai thought as he stared down at his arms. His skin was split open, revealing red flesh and oozing blood surrounded by more sticky crimson patches.
Humans yearn for attention from those who ignore them.
They return to those who abandon them.
They crave acceptance from those who reject them.
We want what we can't have.
We make wrong decisions whilst knowing what's right.
We love those whom we shouldn't.
Kai winced as he tried to get up. Instead he fell forward, his knees too battered and weak to provide him the strength he needed. He laughed sadly to himself. Forget his knees, he didn't even have the strength to move; the strength to walk away and exit this house; the strength to steel his heart and not turn back when the bassist called his name.
His vision blurred once more that night. Except that this time it was from the welling up of tears and not blackouts due to trauma to his head. Kai choked. He forced the back of his badly bruised hand which resulted from shielding kicks and fists earlier on, against his mouth. Though it helped soften his whimpers, it heightened the pain from his wounds and triggered more tears cascading down his face.
He was thoroughly weak and Kai knew it.
A slight shuffling was heard. The hairs on the back of his neck stood as Kai slowly turned around.
The sleeping figure on the bed was regaining consciousness. He sat up and opened his eyes sleepily. Stifling a yawn, he said, "What are you doing there? C'mere Kai." He pulled the covers over and gestured to the space next to him.
On cue, Kai's legs wobbled shakily as he hobbled over to the bed. Fluids leaking from his wounds stained the sheets as he advanced further up. He could feel the back of his eyes burning again, reminding him that he had to brace himself for another round the next day.
A strong arm wrapped around his torso, and the other hand brought Kai's own to his lips. Drowsy eyes met his as a small gentle kiss was pressed onto his searing wound.
"I love you Kai."
Wrong! That was wrong! Kai's mind screamed. Yet, his lips moved and answered in a voice he no longer recognised, "I love you too Reita."
A/N: Angst. It's been awhile.