Title: Behind the brown
Chapter: One-shot
kiroyo Genre: Slight crack, humour, fluff
Warnings: Usage of the "f" word D:
Disclaimer: I own no one!
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Reita x Kai, Aoi x Uruha if you squint
Synopsis: Kai's almost always in brown.
Comments: Comments? :3
Kai never realised it but the colour of his clothes reflected the mood he was in on that day.
For this reason, he normally wore brown. He was repeatedly teased by his band mates over it but the irony was that they were the underlying reason behind his brown clothed self.
Brown is a neutral colour. Like earth, it was calming; peaceful. Not striking at all, nor was it too dull.
His band mates were almost always bickering with each other during practice. Tension was high. Everyone was stressed. For an upcoming single, for an upcoming photo shoot, for whatever, whenever. For this, the band leader was the peacemaker.
"I'm not wearing shimmery purple stuff again Ruki," spat Uruha, tossing his beloved guitar onto the couch. Yes, he was that mad.
"Fuck you Uru, the fans love it" retorted Ruki, folding his arms.
"Stop picking on him Ru, don't make him do something he doesn't want," defended Aoi, jumping up from the couch.
"Can you three shut the fuck up!? I can't fucking concentrate!" growled Reita from the far corner of the room, trashing his notes down onto the ground.
Kai sighed and rubbed his temples. Here we go again…
"Now now, Uru you don’t have to wear sparkly shiny purple stuff."
Uruha leaned back onto his chair with a satisfied smirk. "Thanks Kai, your zeeeee best!" throwing Ruki a dirty glance, picking up his guitar and exited the studio, cooing and cradling it his arms like a newborn.
"And Ruki you don't have to get worked up" Kai quickly continued, spinning around to face Ruki who had half-sprung up from his seat, face as black as hell. "You can get your glittery disco ball afro hairdo if you still want it..." Kai calmly stated, mentally face-palming as he said so.
Ruki's face changed, he bounced out of his chair and pranced over to Kai. "Really!? Oh mi gawddddd I love you Kai!!!" he squealed, skipping out of the door, giggling, twirling around once again to blow Kai a kiss. Most probably going off to find their hair stylist.
Aoi gaped, in all shock and horror. "What!? Kai. Are you serious? Do you not remember his dreadlocks disaster?? Glittery disco ball afro? Oh god... No wonder we didn't clinch top place for God-like Visual Kei Band. We now look satanic.” Aoi said, slamming his face down onto the desk.
"I do remember that Aoi... But well.... You can go back to your caterpill- I mean, your minimalistic eyebrow do if you wish..." Kai said, heaving a sigh of relief that he didn't say out the forbidden word, shuddering as he remembered what had happened to Reita when he teased Aoi about his much treasured sparse eyebrows.
Aoi jumped up again, punching his fist into the air and whooped. "Are you for real!? Fuck yeah! Kai you really ARE the best!" Aoi yelled, running over to give Kai a brief one-arm hug, then grabbed his pack of cigarettes and ran out, with both arms in the air.
Kai finally collapsed back onto his chair, having duly completed his daily duty as band leader. But...
He rounded to his right, to see Reita sulking at the same corner.
Wait, hadn't he already gotten rid of the noise? Kai thought to himself.
"What's wrong Rei?" Kai asked, no doubt a little worried about the answer he will get.
Reita ignored him and frowned, still staring down at the discarded notes on the floor.
"Rei?" Kai repeated, getting more worried.
The said person finally looked up at Kai and said "Why do you always wear brown?"
Wait, whuuuut?
Kai blinked.
"I said, why are you almost always in brown." Reita repeated, rolling his eyes.
"Uhh... I don't know Rei" Kai replied, half laughing, still rather stumped by the question, scratching the back of his head.
Reita went silent again and stared off into the far distance.
Kai felt a little weirded out by Reita, who was being even more unusual than usual. For once, he didn't have an answer to his band mate's question.
"Hmm I think I know why," Reita spoke up again, breaking the awkward silence.
Kai looked up and met Reita's gaze, tilting his head, honestly feeling more than perplexed now.
"Well, you can try wearing yellow when you're with me," Reita said simply, flashing Kai a small grin before picking up his bass and leaving the room.
Kai blinked again.
A/N: Rapidly wrote this in my parents' car when I was feeling really angry and pissed off. Churning out crackish fluff when I'm mad? I'm downright weird.