Title: Why so serious?
Chapter: One-shot
kiroyo Genre: Humour..? Don't really know what this is :s
Warnings: Zilch
Disclaimer: I own no one!
Rating: G
Pairing: Kai x Reita
Synopsis: Does Kai ever mean anything he says?
Comments: Comments? :3
"Coffee or tea?"
Reita briskly swung open the pantry cabinet and browsed through the multiple shelves for two packs of instant coffee. After a moment or so, two steaming mugs of coffee sat between him and Kai at the table.
"I thought you never fancied coffee."
"I don't."
"Then...?" Reita cocked his head to the right. Kai was never one who made sense. Sure, he may be the one in the band who made all the rational final decisions, but when he was himself, he was a total enigma. His thought process was like a total labyrinth with no beginning and no end.
"Why did you offer me that alternative then?" Kai queried in return, smiling and lifting up his cup for a small toast, before bringing it to his lips. He frowned though, when he took a small sip of the bitter black liquid, before setting it back on the table.
Reita rolled his eyes."So, I figure you still don't like it very much huh?" he said, propping his arms up on the wooden table, chuckling a little.
But Kai shook his head, "Nope, I love it." He grinned, this time making his companion frown instead.
"But you made a face at it when you drank it!" Reita exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at Kai's mug to emphasise his point. Kai obviously hated this caffeine boost!
"But I make faces at you all the time too Rei" he laughed, proceeding to pinch his cheeks and stick out his tongue at Reita. "That doesn't mean I dislike you or anything."
Reita groaned and buried his face in his hands, why was Kai always like this?
"Don't you ever mean anything you say?" Reita asked, a little peeved as he folded his arms across his chest.
"Hmm, let's see. Well, sometimes. Not all the time. Probably. Maybe. Never. Why?" Kai questioned back, smirking.
"Cos you never seem to be serious around any of us, around me," Reita replied, toning down his volume as he got to the end of the sentence.
"And that bothers you Rei?" Kai quirked an eyebrow.
Reita shrugged, "I just wanted to know."
Kai tapped his chin, "Well, for one, I know I'm always serious, too serious actually, during meetings. But apart from that, I don't find the need to be serious about anything else." he concluded, laughing as he took another sip of his drink, knotting his eyebrows and eyeing it in blatant distaste again.
"See! You so totally hate it!" Reita shouted, jumping out of his seat, and slamming his hands on the table.
"Woah woah chill! I told you I love coffee, see?" Kai said, holding up both hands in mock surrender as he picked up the mug again and took another even tinier sip, before sticking out his tongue at it and placing it back where it was.
Reita's eyebrow twitched. Kai was evidently enjoying himself taunting him. He jutted his lower lip out and crossed his arms again, staring intently at the wall to his right, not caring how childish he looked at that moment.
Kai laughed, "Aww are you mad? C'mon Rei~" Kai leaned over the table and prodded Reita gently at his shoulder, but Reita huffed and shook him off.
"Fine," Kai chuckled, "be that way."
Reita's temple pulsed, he turned his head slightly to glare daggers at Kai who still had that slight teasing smile on his face.
"I love you 'kira."
Reita choked, gagged, spluttered and scoffed and this time it was his turn to laugh. "Stop feeding me bull 'taka."
Kai tilted his head to the side, seemingly lost in thought as he still maintained that slight smile on his face. Reita stared at him as Kai looked down at his mug and trailed his fingertip around the rim of it. For the first time in what Reita could remember, Kai countered no snide remark back at him.
Reita gulped.
"Are you being serious for once...?" he mumbled, somehow sensing a sudden change in the atmosphere of the tiny pantry, which was empty save for the two of them.
"Probably," Kai replied, still staring at his cup.
"You're not joking around with me?"
Kai shrugged, "Guess not," swirling the black liquid in the mug.
"And we are not in a meeting right now," affirmed Reita, after a long pause.
Kai shook his head, setting down the spoon with a soft clink and met Reita straight in the eye. He smiled brightly, making the other turn away to face the same wall again, a slight red flush working its way up his face.
"Nope we aren't." Kai confirmed as he reached over for Reita's untouched cup and took a big gulp, grinning broadly at him after he did so.
A/N: Urgh I shouldn't be here. It's exam period but ideas keep popping into my head noooo why!!! *slaps self* kthxbye.