Title: Cynic
Chapter: One-shot
kiroyo Genre: Romance, Fluff
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own this page of lies.
Rating: G
Pairing: Ruki x Kai
Synopsis: Love? What love?
Ruki was a cynic: one could not fall in love if one did not believe in it. Love, Ruki scoffed, was for fools. Mistaken and misunderstood feelings of affection, friendship, are what love is.
However, recently Ruki found himself in doubt. The severity of which he refused to admit.
“2 espressos” Kai ordered, and soon 2 steaming miniature mugs of strong coffee sat on their oak table. The waiter proceeded to reach for the small jug of milk on his tray, but Kai smiled and waved him away. Ruki frowned, “How’d you know I didn’t want milk?” Kai shrugged, “I saw that you didn’t put that in the last time.” Ruki’s lips parted to interrupt but Kai was quicker. “And you never liked sweet stuff. So I reckoned that sugar was a no-no too.” Kai smiled at him, and Ruki’s comeback faltered.
He wasn’t about to ask how come Kai noticed those minute details, all Ruki wanted to say was that this was the only second time they were having coffee together.
Love? That never crossed his mind.
“Does it hurt?” Kai’s eyebrows were furrowed. His eyes which were usually a tad brighter than anyone else’s were dimmed, and Ruki tore his gaze away as he mumbled, “I’m alright.” But the drummer rolled his eyes. “No you’re not. Stay put.” His strong arms came to rest on Ruki’s shorter frame and guided him towards a bench in the mall. But Ruki, proud, insistent and haughty, refused to sit down. Instead, he resisted against Kai’s strength and struggled forward.
Kai sighed. He kneeled down, tugged the hem of Ruki’s jeans up an inch and winced at the bloody flap of skin detaching itself from the heel. Alright? As if. “Fine. Hobble your way around then. That is, walk slowly while I go ahead and see if there are any shoe shops in front. Then I’ll come back and bring you there.” Ruki nodded and Kai started walking, but he stopped in his tracks and turned back. “I told you that-“ Kai started, but shook his head and continued the way he was headed. However, Ruki’s voice entailed softly, “- weird-looking studded shiny shoes are always a bad idea.”
He flushed. His heart was palpitating. It wasn’t because of what had just happened, Ruki told himself, it was due to the agonizing distance they had covered from the studio to get here.
Love? What nonsense.
Ruki blinked.
Drum beats pounded at his ears and overhead flashing lights blinded him. He shouldn’t have turned around.
Ruki cursed Kai for being able to keep up with the malicious beat while Ruki stood awkwardly at a loss for words, at forgetting which line came after, and which song they were in the midst of.
Ruki cursed Kai for smiling when he could have kept a straight face just like he did to the rest and the stuff.
Ruki cursed Kai for making eye contact when Kai could have looked elsewhere instead of connecting his pair with Ruki’s.
But above all, Ruki cursed himself for initiating both first.
Ruki struggled to remember the next line, as he tucked a particular thread of thought deep into the well of his guts.
Love? This wasn’t love.
“I’ll be right there Ruki” Kai called over, when Ruki had hollered to tell him he was just outside the back of the live house for a quick drag.
That was what Kai said 10 minutes ago.
Ruki snuffed out the glowing ember mid-stick and swung open the door, all ready to lash out at the unusually slow drummer. But what greeted Ruki’s eyes in the makeup room was Kai slumped on the couch, a half-packed bag at his left.
On reflex, the corners of Ruki’s lips tugged upwards and he maneuvered himself to squeeze into the tiny space between the drummer and the arm rest. His small smile only widened at the sudden heat contact which grazed his skin and Ruki grew still as a slow realization begun to grow onto him.
He wasn’t doing so because he wanted to get close to Kai. He was only doing so because that spot was nearer and he was too tired to move over to the chair despite it being just barely a meter away from him.
“Ruki-san, the lights-“ A staff wandered into the room and startled Ruki out of his wits. Immediately, a finger flew to his lips. He shook his head and waved her out. Surprised, she clamped her mouth shut and closed the door quietly behind her.
Ruki then let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding and was pleased to see that the drummer was still asleep. A black sleeve peeked out of Kai’s bag and caught Ruki’s eye. He reached over and pulled it out, layering it neatly over him. A gruff hand caught his and Ruki’s breath hitched.
An eyelid cracked open and peeked at him, accompanied with a shy dimple at the side. Ruki startled, but his other hand which was limp on his lap, moved across and rested on the larger coarser one.
Love? Maybe so.
A/N: I'm not dead. Just prolly ridiculously lazy :x