Title: Insomnia
Chapter: Drabble
kiroyo Genre: Romance, Life
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own this page of lies.
Rating: G
Pairing: Ruki x Kai
Synopsis: A language shared by everyone but never spoken by them.
Comments: Birthday fic
One is most vulnerable when asleep.
All guards would be let down, all securities temporarily put aside while one's subconscious takes over. All weariness and fatigue disappear and the body is rejuvenated by sleep.
For just awhile, one would be free of responsibilities and demanding duties. One need not worry about the band's progress, about the mountains of paperwork waiting to be done. One could sleep.
Ruki observed the sleeping figure before him, as he sat with his legs folded on the floor. A mug of coffee and a worn note book next to him and a pen cap lay 3 feet away.
Ruki was exhausted, beyond tired and sapped dry of words. His poetic capacity had struck rock bottom again so he had returned to his original source of inspiration; the reason behind their songs; the birth of his compositions.
But then again, without muses or not, there was nowhere else Ruki would rather be.
Angels exist on earth.
When the first golden rays of sunshine kissed the pale skin of the drummer, Mother Nature bathed him in an unearthly glow, hazing away blemishes and blotches despite how unforgiving age may be. Ruki touched his fingers to dry chapped lips and begun a trail from there to high cheekbones hollowed from where rosy cheeks once were, right up to where thick black lashes barely caressed puffy eye bags.
Perfection, right here on earth, right within Ruki's fingertips.
Eyes are windows to the soul.
Ruki didn’t startle when bed springs started to squeak the tiniest bit. Sleep weighed on the drummer's eyelids as he slowly pried them open.
When their eyes met, nothing else clearer was translated. Language was a form of communication, a tool one picks up in early stages of youth and utilise for a lifetime. What they had far surpassed the need for it. No verbal assurances, no verbal declarations were called for, for what they had was translucently opaque. They had already done their daily rounds of "I love you"-s.
However, today, as with one particular day every year, was different.
"Happy birthday love," Ruki whispered, the moment too tranquil to be broken by something a crude decibel louder.
A dimple creased and deep hazel eyes twinkled, “There’s nothing else I have to wish for.”
A/N: Rushed to finish this on the train with Stacked Rubbish playing in the background before the sun rose any higher. I might be obsessed with sleeping-Kai recently. … Might be. And this pairing is really starting to grow on me..