Title: Mother Nature's Spotlight
Chapter: 3/4
kiroyoGenre: Thriller, Drama
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own this page of lies.
Rating: G
Pairing: Aoi x Uruha
Synopsis: When our skin touched and our eyes met, I knew we were meant to be.
Dumbbells struck every corner of my skull in my battle to force my eyelids open. And when I finally did, I allowed them to fall shut again. A few seconds passed, and I opened my eyes once more.
I was in my room.
My laptop, bookshelves and discarded textbooks on the floor started to swirl when I attempted to remember what happened before I lost consciousness. My heart was racing. My heart was racing before I was unconscious. My heart was racing because I was racing against time, away from someone, into a dark alley.
The last place I was in was barely constituted a place - it was a cold bare location.
I looked around my surroundings once again. This was where I was earlier in the day before I was cornered.
But something was off.
I vaguely remember last browsing the site projected on my laptop now. My bookshelves looked the same. My chemistry lab reports were colour tabbed with faded plastic tabs and my history textbook was randomly dog-eared for the first 8 chapters. The rest of my books lay scattered across the wooden planks. Between each cluster was a small circular empty lot for me to tip toe my way around the room.
Metal band posters were messily tacked onto my blue textured walls. Yellow with age, some of them hung half proud off the walls, a corner or two curved away from the vertical panes. My round fluorescent lamp glowed brightly. A greyish hairline crack could be spotted if I squinted. Next to it was an oblong water mark patch. Tan-coloured and a slightly darker shade on the outside-
It wasn’t there.
I rubbed my eyes as it could be a trick of the light, or fatigue as I just came to.
But the water mark wasn’t there.
I could feel the all too sick familiarity of my lungs threatening to collapse again and I threw frantic glances all over the place. A slow realization crept up my spine.
This wasn’t my room.
My bed sheets begun to feel damp as I clambered off the bed with clammy palms. My knees struggled to give me strength but I stumbled onto the ground, sprawling across the clattered floor face down. Just then, I thought I heard a small gasp.
No, I was certain I heard it.
I couldn’t understand a thing that was going on. But my guts told me I was in a precarious situation. That notion alone summoned enough power for me to stand, to make my way to the door and I grabbed the brass knob. However, no matter how hard I wrestled, it wouldn’t budge.
I was locked in.
The hairs on my skin stood.
“Finally you’ve come to.” A voice behind the door rasped. “I was starting to worry that I might have overdone it a little.”
Overdone? Overdone what?
Then it struck me. The heavy intense pressure I felt in my head when I awoke. Whatever he used was still coursing through my veins because I could barely concentrate on a strand of thought for more than a couple of minutes.
“Come to the mirror Uruha.” I stilled. He wasn’t speaking to me. It was spoken as an order; a demand. His tone had changed to one in control; in domination.
Slowly, I stepped over to the wooden-framed mirror next to the door. It measured 2 by 6 feet, tall enough for me to have a final glance over before I leave the house.
“Perfect. Just perfect.”
I fidgeted. My senses tingled with uneasiness. This voice from behind the walls… What was going on?
“Ah don’t be afraid, Uruha. You don’t have to squirm. There’s nothing to fear.”
He could see me? I started to hyperventilate. A stitch knotted itself at the left of my guts so I steadied myself with one hand against the mirror and the other on my waist where the pain was clenching. I bowed my head down and focused on my toes. Cold sweat had begun to drip from my forehead onto the ground.
“Yes Uruha, come closer…”
My head snapped up. I stared at the mirror but what met my eyes was none other my own brown pair. What bounced back was my own reflection. My tall skinny frame clad in t-shirt and jeans I was in the day before. Or was it? I’ve lost all track of time.
“That’s it, come nearer Uruha.” He coaxed.
I touched my hand to the cool flat surface of the mirror and I heard it again. That small gasp; that short intake of delight.
Was this was the rabbit hole I had fallen into?
Cold hard fear paralysed my senses, ridding me of the capability to freak. I couldn't scream. I couldn't back away. I could only follow what he told me to do next.
He could see me.
Through that mirror, a one-way mirror was what that was. He had replaced one of my original possessions.
“Turn around Uruha.”
So I did. And what I saw made everything come to light.
What greeted my eyes was a great length of mirror spanned across the entire area of the wall behind my bed where I had came to earlier; the only area I had overlooked when I was looking all around the room.
“Now I’ll always be able to see you.”
A/N: I AM ALIVE. Okay. Ultimate possession to me is not about sex, gore and carnivorous consumption. Though I must admit, that was my idea at the beginning. But now my perspective’s changed. To entirely own someone is to take away someone else’s freedom, to rid him/her of his/her liberty. That, is the scariest ever, to me. Or maybe that’s because I’m a Sagittarius hahaha.