Title: Euphoria
Chapter: Drabble
kiroyoGenre: Romance
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own this page of lies.
Rating: G
Pairing: Reita x Kai
Synopsis: A senseless drug addict, Reita is.
“I sorta feel like I’m on drugs when I’m with you…” Reita stammered, his first two fingers nitpicking the top two strings of his bass, “Not that I do drugs, unless you do drugs,” He nervously chuckled, “In which case I do drugs all the time.”
He stopped plucking and his bass strings came to a still.
“Every drug.”
Kai’s drumstick fell out of his grasp and tottered off the hi-hat, releasing a string of off-beat rhythm. “Well, I’m on Fedac now.” He grinned. “Are you on Fedac too?”
Reita’s jaw fell. “Fedac…?”
“Yup,” Kai bent down to pick up the stray drumstick. “Fedac compound syrup.”
Reita blinked.
“For the cough I’ve been having.”
“Oh.” The bassist scratched the back of his head. “Well…”
“It tastes good though.” Kai said, “Awesome actually. I think I might actually be addicted to it.”
A dimple creased and twinkling eyes met his.
“How about you?”
Reita gulped, “M-me too.”
A/N: My head’s been empty of muses so I’ve been picking up random ones everywhere lately. And since I’ve been on 9GAG recently… :p And I really am on Fedac compound syrup. It tastes great!