Title: Blood MoneyChapter: Drabble
kiroyoGenre: Angst, Life
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own this page of lies.
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Synopsis: Lies were what their fans believed in, so lies were what they deliver.
Lies were the lingo of the rich and famous. )
Comments 13
And woah.... things like this happens everyday... it's true.
I hope that you don't feel too much this way....
The management deserves much of the blame lol
Yeah, it's just something I've been thinking about for a long time now.. So I had to pen it down :x
I do feel that way about them sometimes :/ They created a facade that we all believe about them.
This was good, woman!
And I'm still doubtful on whether to post this to the comms.. Cos it's kinda uh...
I was doubtful about posting this into the comms because it can be offensive to some, if not many people (fans, that is). But I had to try, and I did. Sure enough it got rejected by a comm but oh well.
I used to really love the band. I was one of those mindless fans. But I stepped out of the fandom for awhile, and when I looked at them, I just can't help but think these. While I'm glad that someone out there is able to relate and share the same perspective as me, it's also saddening to see how much the band has grown and evolved to such a direction.
Thanks again, and I do feel all better already (:
As much as a person loves a band, I think people shouldn't blindly follow them. They give you music and something to enjoy, yes, but the messages behind their music should make you think and challenge. You don't have to love every single or album they produce, and you don't have to agree with everything they say. Blaming the band because it doesn't fit your ( ... )
It's very true, and written well.
I like the way you did this, that negativity
But we'll continue to support this band in the end
love the gazette!
pessemistic all the way
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