Title: A small shot of love
Chapter: Drabble
kiroyoGenre: Fluff, Romance
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I own this page of lies.
Rating: G
Pairing: Reita x Kai
Synopsis: Kai's brew wasn't Reita's concoction.
Comments: A coffee fic.
"Careful, it's kinda bitter." Kai said as he blew a cloud of steam off the white porcelain mug of espresso. The mother of the band had always been into cooking and being an after-hour barista was his new thing - much to Ruki's delight and Reita's chagrin.
He was a manly man. And manly men drank beer over coffee. But then again, this was his lover after all.
The bassist gave a small smile and gratefully accepted the small shot of explosive caffeine. He was groaning earlier on about feeling drowsy and viola, Kai appeared out of nowhere with an aero pressed dose of coffee Reita couldn't possibly refuse.
Staring straight into wide brown eyes, he took a small tentative sip. The pair of eyes grew even larger when the bassist didn't frown in distaste at the overwhelming bitterness of pure black coffee. That was Ruki's concoction, not his.
"How is it? Isn't it bitter? Are you alright?" Kai hurriedly bombarded Reita in concern at the strange unprecedented response.
Reita remained silent for a bit and took an even larger gulp, effectively polishing off the rest of the black syrup. "Of course I'm more than alright," he said and chuckled heartily at the drummer’s hazel saucers.
"It tastes of love."