Title: Essence - White
Chapter: 9/10
kiroyo Genre: Angst, Drama
Warnings: Death
Disclaimer: I own no one.
Rating: PG15
Pairing: Kai x Reita, Uruha x Reita
Synopsis: He feels, tastes, and smells of someone else.
Comments: Comments make me happy, like little bits of candy :3
Uruha's pov
Oh god he's coming for me.
I couldn't move. It felt as though I was standing somewhere in this room away from me, watching my physical self glued to the wall, unable to speak or move. Reita's dead. I forgot how long he's been dead but I couldn't respond when he called for me. I didn't know what to do. I could never have imagined myself in this situation. I couldn't have predicted what to do either. If I weren't here right now, I would never have believed anyone telling me that Kai killed Reita.
This is too fucked. My limbs are fucked. I can't move from where I am. The door is right next to me but I'm paralyzed. My brain's screaming for me to get the fuck out of here but my legs aren't obeying. Instincts commanded me to make use of this short duration while Kai's still sitting there mesmerised by the mess he created to get the fucking hell out of here, but my mobility was impaired. The me standing far away could see myself crying and shaking like the useless fool that I am.
God save me, he's getting up. He's wiping his hands against his pants. Now he's frowning cause’ he can't get the blood off his fingernails, oh god he's angry now. The floor's burning me, the heat's spreading outwards. I mustered all my strength and looked down. I had unconsciously let go of my bladder.
When I realised that my pale yellow pee had turned a darker shade of jaundice, my heart stalled. It pounded against my ears and I didn't have to look up to see what had caused the change in my surroundings. Kai had done me a favour and was now kneeling down before me. I couldn't meet his eyes. But he was staring at me, no, staring at my clothes.
I then saw his eyes, flashes of red, and then all the white in this room closed in on me.