We shall meet again - Index posting

Aug 30, 2009 22:14

Well I guess it was about time I posted this.

Raison d'être

Accidentally, really really accidentally, I stumbled across the lj-community labyfic, following links in the ff.net profile of dmacabre. And guess what... akavertigo, who's supreme forces of evil are known to have wreaked (beneficial) havoc on my writing for katara_zuko - and who spotted me (and vice versa) in setoanzulove was already there, as well. Now that in itself is a fun coincidence but akavertigo had posted a set of adorable drabbles entitled Growing up Gobblin (complete drabbles can be found at akavertigo's lj) and I made the mistake of leaving a comment. One word gave another and all of sudden, we are both wrapped up in a friendly 13-day-writing-challenge.

Rules of Engagement

Both of us have agreed to post a 400 word length piece of fiction related to the fandom of Labyrinth every other day for 13 days. On the last day, we will both post a chapter-length piece for our respective stories. Forfeiting a post means one of us gets to request a penalty fic of the other.

There are already two penalties - one for each of us - in place.

The posting schedule is:
2009-08-03 Kirschreich done
2009-08-04 AkaVertigo done
2009-08-05 Kirschreich done
2009-08-06 AkaVertigo done
2009-08-07 Kirschreich done
2009-08-08 AkaVertigo done
2009-08-09 Kirschreich done
2009-08-10 AkaVertigo done
2009-08-11 Kirschreich done
2009-08-12 AkaVertigo done
2009-08-13 Kirschreich done
2009-08-14 AkaVertigo outstanding
2009-08-15 Both outstanding

1. to be written

1. to be written

We shall meet again
01 How the Mighty has fallen
02 Summary of a Conqueror - The thirteen facts of Sarah Williams
03 A woman cruel enough to lead a man to his grave
04 Neither Jane Austen nor Friedrich Nicolai
05 Power
06 Respective Perspectives
07 The space behind the mirror (last challenge entry)
08 Equal footing

blame-fics, labyrinth, we shall meet again, wip, index

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