I have my main fic to finish, my remix fic to do, and I'm up for reccing Life on Mars next month on
crack_van (at least, since I signed up first, I'm assuming I'll be up there first).
The last thing I need is another muse taking residence in my head. Why, hello there Carlos Ramirez. This struck me this morning, and wouldn't go away. Please con-crit - it's the first time I've written The Dresden Files, but Carlos is pretty chatty it seems.
Title: The World according to Carlos Ramirez
Fandom: The Dresden Files bookverse
Word Count: 396
Rating: G
Spoilers: Set some point after Dead Beat
Summary: Carlos looks back on his young life.
Disclaimer: The Dresden Files belongs to Jim Butcher, ROC Books, and Orbit Books. No profit is being made, nor is any copyright or trademark infringement intended.
I put it all down to that damn trial.
Being dragged to White Council meetings are all part of being an apprentice, you see. We are expected to sit there quietly, listening to what happens. They tell us it is excellent training for understanding Latin, for when we are accepted onto the Council. I say it’s purely an excuse to remind us who has the power.
Then, with the trial, it all changed. A wizard was on trial, accused of starting the accursed war against the vamps. “He will be found guilty,” my mentor had said as we entered the building. ”And he will be executed. No question of it. Ramirez, take note of what happens to those who disobey the will of the White Council.” One thing I had learned quickly about the White Council - they didn’t do second chances.
My mentor was wrong. At that trial, I watched Harry Dresden stand up to the White Council - and win.
That day, my whole world view changed.
(Ok, I might have a small case of hero-worship, but I’ll deny it if you repeat it. I don't do hero-worship.)
I finished my apprenticeship quickly, was inducted into the ranks of Warden at a ridiculously young age. They needed me, they said. Mind you, who wouldn’t need the amazing (and good-looking) Carlos Ramirez?
Then came the battle against the Heirs of Kemmler. Two wardens (though I look far better in the cloak than Harry does) up against some seriously bad-ass necromancy. But then, we had some necromancy of our own. How many of you get to ride on the back of a freaking animated dinosaur? By rights, we should have lost that fight. But, somehow, we didn’t. And it felt good.
Since then, I’ve been watching. They promoted me to Regional Commander, at the ripe old age of 25, after that fight. Dresden also made Regional Commander, a decision they weren't so happy about. The job makes it easier to see what is going on. Harry gets into trouble too much. Most of it isn’t even his fault. He has some powerful enemies at large, forces working against him, trying to bring down all he holds dear. I see it all, and do all that I can.
I’ll be there, ready to help, whenever Harry picks up that phone and calls me.
After all, that’s what friends do.