So! I’m staying the night at a friend’s place, so, let’s do something else that you do as a child!
So I boot up my DS and find that I am still in Dr. Fennel’s place. Deciding I should look around before I go, I have a look at a terminal-looking thing and find that it’s basically the same terminal you have at the Pokemon Center. I haven’t looked at “Jeremy’s PC” yet so I poke in there. I have an email! I open the Email Client and find an email from Bianca.
“Thank you for taking your time with MATCH.
It was so EXCITED.
I was moved!
We should MATCH together again.
This is reproduced verbatim, except see that big bright “BYE-BYE!”? Imagine it’s flashing. My word, Bianca! You really need to work on your localization! But you can say this about her, she’s not the kind to MATCH and not call you send you a letter the next day.
I wander over to what looks like a little girl, who says her name is Amanita, and that she does IT for the Professor. So I guess it’s HER box I’ll be putting my balls in. Wait, that didn’t come out right. Anyway! She wants to tell me about the Battle Box! What is the Battle Box, you ask? Well, if you have a Pokemon you use a lot in battle, you can register it with the Battle Box. That’s it. No information about what happens next. You like a Pokemon, you put it in the Battle Box. And just look at it, I guess. Marvel at its beauty, or its combat utility or its ability to wash your socks, I guess.
Anyway, don’t I have wildlife I’m supposed to be harassing? Yes, Yes I do. Let’s see about that. Back to the Yard of Dreams, to see if anyone came after they built it. I chop down the small tree outside the Dreamyard, and get ready to step inside, when Bianca charges up. “Are you looking for the mysterious Pokemon, too?” No, I am looking for the mysterious Pokemon. YOU are looking for the mysterious Pokemon, too.
She takes up position just inside the compound, wondering out loud what is involved in “Showing dreams”. I’m pretty sure it involves incense, some LSD, and your uncle’s Greatful Dead collection. I head inside and Bianca follows, saying she heard something in a nearby well. I go into a partially-demolished warehouse, and… just find the Munna just standing there, like it’s waiting for us. That’s kinda anticlimactic. I was expecting to have to tromp through the Tall Grass and grind it up.
It’s not planning to cooperate though, and flees off, only to be stopped a short ways away by a pair of twins who look like The Wicked Witch of the West’s royal guard, except clad entirely in white. They shake the Munna down for it’s dream mist, and when questioned, reveal themselves at Team Plasma grunts. Hm. They look different from the front than from the side. Anyway, their big plan here is to use the Dream Mist to feed people dreams that will make them want to abandon release their pokemon. And to do that they just need to catch some of the mist. Somehow. The Munna doesn’t care, and its indifference earns it the toe of one of the grunt’s boot.
Right! So these two clowns need to be sent packing, yesterday.
They challenge me, one of the more redundant challenges I’ve encountered in my career as a Pokemon trainer, and claiming that if they win they get to release my pokemon. Sweet, does that mean when I win, I can liberate your pokemon from you animal abusers? Also, looking at a more proper portrait shows that they are dressed in grey hoodies as I originally thought, coupled with a black leotard, grey boots, grey gloves, and white tabards bearing the Team Plasma logo. It looks like they’re trying to evoke medieval armor without actually wearing armor. So, the worst LARP costume ever. And that includes the guy who thought it would be clever for him to show up in jeans and his “Tshirt +1” shirt.
After the inevitable watery defeat of the first grunt, the other grunt berates him for not taking me seriously because Bianca and I are kids. She shoves her partner out of the way to show him how it’s done. Her defeat is also swift and causes her partner to panic and start kicking the Munna again. Ghetsis shows up to berate them for their failure, and then another one shows up too! And then a third one! With their tiny minds suitably confused and their tights suitably filled with… er, with fear, they flee the area. The reason for this trickery is revealed when a Munsharna sleepily drifts from the shadow, trailing dream-mist from its forehead.
Dr. Fennel rushes onto the scene, having… sensed that we were dealing with mysterious pokemon, I guess? Anyway, she scares off both Munna and Musharna, but they leave behind a pokeball filled with their savory dream juices. Dr. Fennel is ecstatic, and runs off to research the stuff, asking us to drop by later and get the findings. The whole thing is so bizarre that even Bianca feels the need to comment. She tries to send me off to Dr. Fennel’s place, while she looks for Munna. Good idea, Bianca, except you have it exactly backwards.
I jump into the Tall Grass but am disappointed to find that ! am pretty much still fighting Patrats and Purrloins. This game’s stinginess with the Pokemon is becoming annoying. I finally get a Munna, which I name Kadath, and head back to town. I check out Dr. Fennel and she is practically giddy, as she can now gather save data! She gives me a C-Gear, which allows me to challenge people over IR, Wireless or the internet. And if I had any interest in any of that, that would mean something. It also does Game Sync and I’m kinda confused about this. There’s something about the dreams of sleeping Pokemon. If you put a pokemon to sleep with Game Sync, waking it up will cause its dreams to manifest in a place called Enthralink in central Unova. I don't actually know what that actually means, but I guess I will find out when I find Enthralink? Amanita also comes over and thanks me for helping their research by giving me the Pal Pad, which is what I use to make and store friends in the game.
Obligations dispatched, I head off into Route 3.