So my manager quit bradley after working there for 15 years and a new
one came which is just stupid :P He doesn't seem to know how to
maintain our system and the assistant manager is such a control freak
know-it-all young guy. Ya he's popular to the customers, but he yells
at me and make me explain stuff for him and geting blamed for. Oh also
talks trash about my old manager who was like the best manager. changed
everything around the counter and made it spacey, but fuck sqeezing
everything in won't make it easier to get to it like all the vhs and
games. they're like on top of each other which makes it impossible to
find anything. manager leaves me with no change for the customer and
took an hour to actually count in the drawer for re-count and recount
and more...oi. makes me close on school night and forget i have school
on friday so puts me up for 4:00 shift...ya I can get home in time
huh...still wants me to come in whenever I get home...told me to come
right after school...hhahaha ya I can't fit all teh bradley stuff in my
bag and I don't trust people with my labtop in my school bag at
Bradley seems like a different place, but can't complain that
much since I'm getting the whole vacation thingy. But jeremy
still consider coming to bradley, it will be fun with two of us! Oh and
Cri, we have Bradley original cover for the rental porn DVDs so no
nasty covers for you to see down the drop slot ;) but it made it really
hard for us to straighten the whole area. Hey I'm almost done with
English, then Speech then home, then work, the nwork more on both