May 18, 2010 13:18
Damn, this semester is difficult. VERY difficult. I'm studying the way I study for midterms/finals, and still feel like a failure.
I need to get my act together.
May 17, 2010 17:00
Bryan asked me late last night, What are your hobbies? What do you like to do if school wasn't in the way?
All I could say were what I used to like to do.
He laughed, and then asked me, What are your hobbies now?
Good question, Tohster. I don't know.
May 12, 2010 23:57
i dont know whats wrong with me
i always have a hard time doing these kinds of things
: yes
: what you prolly didn't have is the ability to jut in and say, HEY listen, i need to tell you something
: then say whatever you want to say
so easy to say. yet so hard to freakin' do.
May 04, 2010 14:47
Hello, Allergy Season.
My Visine-A expired last month. But being in pharm school, it's still okay. Potency might not be as good as it used to be, but it still works.
On another note, CVS will be taking over Rite Aid. Lol.
Apr 26, 2010 23:07
ugh. being sick for the start of the first semester is so not the way to go. =_=
chest pain. please go away. :(
Apr 13, 2010 01:57
: you're always confused as to what to do.
I know I am.
Apr 07, 2010 14:26
Time to make new friends at St. Jo's.
Apr 05, 2010 15:26
chobi: man, double shots are really nasty. like really.
chobi: i dont know how my roommate can drink it all the time
21: uhhh why are you drinking it at 2pm????
what's wrong with that?! what if i get sleepy cuz of the ACTH mid-afternoon-slump HUH?!? :x
Apr 02, 2010 01:07
I jinxed myself with the previous post. I lost my motivation. It took me the entire day (12pm to 1am) to study 4 lectures that I already studied before. Sigh.