[fanfiction] i'm so into you (but i'm way too smart for you) masterpost

Oct 05, 2012 00:29

Fandom/Pairings: The Social Network; Chris/Dustin, Mark/Eduardo, past Mark(/Erica)
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Get out, Mark.
Summary: At 15, Mark started a robot uprising because Erica Albright called him stupid. At 20, Mark is the King of Everything. At 16, Eduardo fought in the robot uprising and lost an arm. At 21, Eduardo is sitting across from the King of Everything and eating dinner. This is not the future that either of them imagined, but it just might be the future that they need.

Probably this fic would be much improved if you first listen to The Future Soon followed by Skullcrusher Mountain seeing as that's the plot of this fic. Sort of.

Let's just say that was the plot of the fic and then suddenly Mark and Eduardo decided that they just wanted to be together after being assholes for a little while and then Dustin and Chris kicked up a fit and didn't want to be together so instead of a 15k story I suddenly had this 15k monster on my hands that . . . Had no ending and felt like fighting me at literally every turn. It's a thing now, though, so. There's that.

On a less whiny note: quintenttsy created some fab artwork for this fic, and you should definitely check it out! It is made of 100% awesome. As a final note, this fic is a postage stamp on this card (lower right corner) for

part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | art

This entry originally posted here. Original entry currently has
comments. :D

pairing: chris/dustin, fandom: the social network, pairing: eduardo/mark, # garlic, blame: anyone but me, !fic, # paprika, length: over 10k, # salsa, verse: weak and strange

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