At its longest, it's just a bit past my shoulders. The shortest is just past my chin.
Lol, when they came out to Katy Perry, I just shook my head. It's so wrong to make a gay guy dance to that! But I thought it was pretty wild that he actually did kiss her, haha.
Comments 12
Looks good, glad you decided to listen to me!
And you're the ho bag for copying my shorter hair :P
I totally had to laugh at the song they picked for Lance. Poor guy. Besides, doing the Paso Doble to a Katy Perry song is just... awkward.
Good luck tomorrow!
Lol, when they came out to Katy Perry, I just shook my head. It's so wrong to make a gay guy dance to that! But I thought it was pretty wild that he actually did kiss her, haha.
Thanks! :D
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Haha, I love my Grimmy mousepad grinning at me all the time :D
Good luck with your first day too! *crosses fingers*
Thank you! I'm gonna be leaving for work in like an hour. Getting closer and closer haha.
Good luck tomorrow! :)
And that is certainly a weird choice of song for Lance Bass to dance too. What the heck?
And ty again, I'm sure my first day should be alright, but I can't help but be nervous haha.
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