I've never burnt any sort of academic material intentionally but I have thrown lecture notes away. I don't like doing it but I don't recall regretting or missing stuff I've disposed of. I have kept lecture notes as well (*hugs 600 page Monetary Theory binder*) from courses I've really enjoyed and stuff I reckon I may refer need to in the future.
This may shock(!) and amaze(D:) you, but most of my course notes are better said by somebody else too! Not only am I lugging around crap that I'll never need again, every so often I buy something that says the same thing but I can actually make sense out of.
Some of my course notes I'll keep forever. They were written by a teacher and are hella wicked, though.
Although the may come after teh movz0rs, I'd take some free time and give a quick read over everything. Everything. Separate the ones that have quirky eductional or sentimental value (for me, the page on where I learned that Isaac Asimov is the only person to have an entry in every section of the Dewey Decimal System.)
I recycled almost all course notes at the end of the semester. I have a few coursepacks (e.g. bound sets of photocopied notes) lying around, but I usually recycle those as well. I tried to sell most of my textbooks at the used bookstore, although the ones I don't sell I keep.
I do sometimes keep old assignments. I also have a few course notes from grad school that I haven't gotten around to recycling yet, but I probably will, now that I've remembered them.
I've kept most of my course notes (handwritten or purchased) from UW. I've recycled notes from a couple of courses I want to forget or will never use again, but anything that I consider to be potentially useful I've kept.
I'm also a pack rat, so maybe I'm not the standard that you should be looking to.
I tried to re-sell all my textbooks. Those I couldn't re-sell I kept. I recycled most of my course notes at the end of each semester. There are some courses I kept the notes for - if they were especially interesting and I thought I might find them useful later. When I say kept though, I mean they're in Toronto and I'm in NY and I haven't had occasion to think about them in the last year and a half. I'll probably get rid of them all the next time I'm home.
Comments 11
Some of my course notes I'll keep forever. They were written by a teacher and are hella wicked, though.
Although the may come after teh movz0rs, I'd take some free time and give a quick read over everything. Everything. Separate the ones that have quirky eductional or sentimental value (for me, the page on where I learned that Isaac Asimov is the only person to have an entry in every section of the Dewey Decimal System.)
Burn the rest :P
--Mr. Lotek, Esq.
I do sometimes keep old assignments. I also have a few course notes from grad school that I haven't gotten around to recycling yet, but I probably will, now that I've remembered them.
I'm also a pack rat, so maybe I'm not the standard that you should be looking to.
I recycled most of my course notes at the end of each semester. There are some courses I kept the notes for - if they were especially interesting and I thought I might find them useful later.
When I say kept though, I mean they're in Toronto and I'm in NY and I haven't had occasion to think about them in the last year and a half. I'll probably get rid of them all the next time I'm home.
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