Okay, so in short, I ask you:
What is this fuckery? No, seriously. What is it? The top 50 sexiest women? It looks as if the top 50 most popular women (pubescent girls) were selected and thrown into some sort of random order, concluded with Megan Fox because she happens to be the latest 'hot bitch'. Personally, I find her repulsive, but that's just me.
Because this list happens to be a load of total BS, my friend
laurenzorz and I have taken it upon ourselves to construct a new top 50 list with everyone's picks. Completely undictated and left totally to the people.
All we require is that you reply with who you believe should be on the top 50. Post as many names as you feel appropriate, HOWEVER, only post names that you believe have the right to win. Don't just reply with someone because they're popular or because you can't think of anyone else.
If you can't think of anyone, just don't reply. It's as simple as that.
Women can be dead or alive.
Voting will take place in two weeks.
Ready? Anddddddd