Your result for The Time Travel Test...
The Sports Car
64% Practicality, 64% Mutability, 0% NaziLoving Wuss, 65% Woowoo?
Your time machine is the Sports Car.
Time is fast. Time is unstable. Time is dangerous. One false move, and you'll suddenly discover that you were never born. But that's a chance that you're willing to take, whether it's to put right what once went wrong or simply to fix the temporal damage that's already been done by someone who wasn't quite so careful. If you play your cards right, you could make the world -- or at least, your world -- a better place. But it's a gamble, and the universe is at stake. You know what you have to do.
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HelloQuizzy ... why does this result remind me so much of Back to the Future? The Car you say? Why, I think you're right.