(no subject)

Feb 15, 2005 22:15

This weekend was awesome. We left for sections on friday and had tons of fun in the hotel just screwing around, here are some pictures from friday and saturday

Becky and Natalia being evil on the bus

Marissa and myself

Lindsey's butt

Becky, myself and Natalia

Lindsey, Kari Jo, Alanna, Katie, Megan, Brenda, Renee, & Aleisha

tights can be sexy

dancer butts

Brenda and myself

man i love those girls, when i came home on saturday at around 11 Megan's brother came and picked me up then i went over to megans and spent the night. we didnt actually ever sleep since Jake wanted to watch the sun rise but we had a ton of fun. man i love that girl she is so awesome. then sunday i came home and went to westside to hang out with travis and chris.

this week has been fun, today we danced at the basketball game and then i got to hang out with travis, i like him so much, he makes me laugh more than anyone else. tomorrow the dance team is going to eat dinner together then we leave for STATE on thursday.


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