
Dec 19, 2004 11:02

with christmas right around the corner, my dad has been making extra sure that i am feeling the true christmas spirit lol ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

livelong_june December 19 2004, 18:25:17 UTC
you didn't get your mom christmas presents before?


kiss_me_im_fat December 19 2004, 18:30:21 UTC
umm last year i got her a boxof chocolate from walgreens haha and the year beofre that it was a stuffed animal? idk lol im just really cheap


inthechapel December 19 2004, 21:07:37 UTC
make her a card, every mom loves cards


kiss_me_im_fat December 20 2004, 01:13:14 UTC
haha ok ill do it!


__shakedown_ December 19 2004, 18:54:50 UTC
get in the christmas spirit boy.


sammythesloth December 19 2004, 20:05:42 UTC
hahahah, i like you.

are you going to church? i say you go, and we can start another trend. and be the only two kids sitting in the middle section :]


bassist51690 December 20 2004, 00:50:55 UTC
dude, i visited santa at the mall and keep this on the down low but... ur on the naughty list this year, it looks like ur getting coal for christmas.

conversation between me and my brother:

Me: What did u get me for Christmas?
James: Nothing.
Me: Not even coal?
James: No you can stay warm with that.

at least ur getting coal for Christmas, im not getting anything.


kiss_me_im_fat December 20 2004, 01:13:57 UTC
haha thats really cute, i can feel the brotherly love between you two


bassist51690 December 20 2004, 01:21:28 UTC
uh huh...lol


falloutboy12 December 20 2004, 04:25:27 UTC
haha was ur dad drunk again?

deep thought, haha ur dad is awesome


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