Name: Michelle
Age: 15
Sex: The one with boobs... ^_^
Location; Jersey
Birthday: November 2nd
Small bio of yourself: Well, Im 15 and I live in South Jersey, I have brown hair and green eyes and Im pretty short. My days consist of laying around the house. writing lyrics/poety. taking pictures. reading. checking out local bands. going to the skatepark. + so on.
10 Bands:
+ Copeland
+ Death Cab For Cutie
+ Fall Out Boy
+ Home Grown
+ Thursday
+ The Juliana Theory
+ Less Than Jake
+ Matchbook Romance
+ Taking Back Sunday
+ The Movie Life
+ The Early Novmeber
5 Movies: The Breakfast Club, Never Been Kissed, Donnie Darko, Harry Potter, Neverending Story.
3 Books: Catcher In The Rye, The perks of Being a Wallflower, Born on a Rotten Day: Illuminating and Coping with the Dark Side of the Zodiac, The Giver.
1 Color: Black.
1 Thing you love: gushers. cause gushers kick mayjor ass.
1 Thing you hate: snobby stuck up people.
3 good qualities you have:
-i give good advice.
-im not bitchy.
-im fun and random.
3 bad qualities you have:
-ADHD. it gets out of control sometimes.
-biting my nails.
-not finishing sentences.
abortion? im pro-life. unless the person was raped. cause then it's not their fault and had no control over it.
gay marriages? if you love someone then you should be able to be with them. gay or straight.
supernatural beings (ghosts aliens etc)? I believe in ghosts and spirits. and i believe that earth isn't the only planet w/ life.
self-mutalation? eh. I tampered w/ that once, and it's nothing to be proud of. You might think that it's removing your emotional scars, but it's just creating visable ones. Everytime you look at your wrist you'll remember what you were trying to forget, and it doesn't really solve anything then.
How did you hear about this community? random search.
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