♥ Kiss Bingo
Leave a comment to this post to get you bingo card and a code to post it to your journal.
If you want your card with the white background, remove background="LINK" from your code.
To strike out a square find the square name in the code you've been given and make it look like this:
<*s><*a href="LINK TO YOUR STORY">SQUARE NAME<*/a><*/s>
(without the asterisks, of course).
If you're html-savvy, ignore us and just tinker with the table to your heart's content.
Important: Look at the
list of prompts the cards are made from before signing up and veto from one to three prompts/areas that you do not want to write about. If you need more than three prompts vetoed please contact the mods by PM or email (
kissbingomod@gmail.com) and we will work with you to make sure you have a suitable card.