hot stuff yo!
2 days until my date of birth.
I like cake
[imaloserbaby] { so why don't ya kill me )
I'm tired of the do-do-dodo . . .
You know, the people with msn and aol could be a little more creative, like a firework going off... or maybe and exploding meth lab, that's more fitting for my town.
SHHHHHHPEEEEEOOOOOW!!![bang bang bang]
I believe that I am going to go out and by myself a doghouse, Belle and Sebastian will come live in my doghouse.
I will give them fresh water every afternoon.
I am going to re-read The perks of being a wallflower. It's just so darn hip.
The Ultimate Tranessa Championship:
Travis: 5.0
Vanessa: 3.0
and on one last note.
No matter what I'll always be a...