Application for MagicDraft

Nov 03, 2011 17:07

AGE: 25 (08/24/1986)
JOURNAL: biancamaxwell

AIM/PLURK/EMAIL: AIM: rubyjewelranger, Plurk: litamaxwell, Email:

NAME: Madison Rocca
RACE: Human
AGE: 17-18
CANON POINT: Mystic Fate Pt 2: Right before meeting up with Nick for the last time.
REFERENCES: Wiki Link 1 , Wiki Link 2
GENDER: Female

Madison is a quiet person in general as well as someone who can be sweet to people even if they aren’t something she imagined. Along with being a quiet type, she has a bit of self-esteem issue involving questioning her role within her ranger team and sometimes if she matters to them or not. Despite this, she is also a determined person and wants to protect her friends.

Maddie is very quiet compared to her ranger teammates like her much louder sister Vida, who usually tells it like it is no matter what the consequences. She likes to watch from the sidelines and usually has her video camera and records everything that goes on around her. Even when she’s behind the lens, Maddie is cheering her friends on as they go about their lives and sounds outgoing when she speaks to them. It’s only shown until later that the camera is a way for her to express her feelings even when she doesn’t say what’s on her mind. Along with being quiet, she is a little shy when opening up to new people: while storming off after a fight with the team’s red ranger, Madison meets a group of boys tossing a football around but argues with herself if she should go up and say hello.

Madison is also someone who ends up following people’s lead rather than going on her own; when a man asks the townspeople to help find his brother in the woods, Madison agrees to go only because Vida had spoken up earlier and she was worried about her sister. Because of this, she calls herself the ‘sister with common sense’ because she actually thinks before she acts unlike Vida as mentioned in the above example.

Madison has a bit of a self esteem issue regarding her worth on the team. A couple times throughout, she questions to two of her friends on what she had done since becoming a power ranger. The belief is that she was looked over compared to the others in gaining weapons (the boys can change their staffs into weapons such as a crossbow, a sword, and an ax and Vida can grow wings from hers) and spell codes along with that the boys usually used the upgrades. There was also an incident when the rangers were doing a trusting exercise where she was blind folded and had to fall so her friends can catch her: when their friend Claire comes up to them with a baby dragon, they leave Madison to fall and pay attention to the beast. Needless to say, Maddie was miffed about it. Despite this setback, Madison was able to show that she was useful: She frees their soon-to-be mentor and teacher from a twenty year old curse that rendered him as a frog as well as the only one who managed to defeat one of the Ten Terrors, Magma, with ease thanks to her element being water. Another example is during ‘Ranger Down’ in which the other rangers are unable to fight and Maddie faces the monster called Screamer alone and manages to hold her at bay until help arrives in the form of her mentor Solaris Knight. But it is her who finishes the beast by using her mentor’s weapon. She maybe someone who doubts her capabilities but she’s a determined person who is willing to never give up and doesn’t back down from a fight.

Despite Madison’s shyness, she is the one who is the most opened minded and is willing to help others. It’s Maddie who first talks to Nick and welcomes him to town and she is the one who convinces the feline genie Jenji to come back after the group made him feel unwelcomed when they pay more attention to the baby dragon, Fire Heart than to him.

Madison is also shown to be the ranger who likes to study rather than play. When their first mentor tells them to stop flying around in their new Racers and that it was time to study spells, she was the only one excited for it. And her studying pays off: Madison is shown to be the most adaptive with her magic. Some examples include being the first ranger to use theirs outside of combat, using a simple charm to help clean up the record store, making the green ranger’s head get twice as big during the spell lesson, and charming a cd from her hand to her sister’s turntables in order to get Vida’s attention.

It’s shown in rarity, but Madison can get angry with something and will speak on it but it shows on two occasions and both involve the same person. During the final battle with the Master, the red ranger Nick says that he wants to give up and let him take over the world. The only person who voiced their opinion was Madison, saying that, in a nutshell, that giving up was crap. Earlier, Nick accuses Madison of ’hiding behind her camera’ so she wouldn’t get close to anyone and she ends up storming out. It’s the only two times we see Maddie in anger over something other than the villains they were fighting.

If going by personality, Madison would be a good fit for Ravenclaw. She is studious as shown during one episode when she gets excited about studying spells rather than her other teammates who wanted to keep on flying. At times, Madison uses her smarts to fight a monster instead of simple brute strength. She is also grounded and shown as the sister who has common sense because she thinks before acting most of the time. Madison is also brave and one who isn’t afraid to fight so it’s possible that she could do well in Gryffindor given her time as a power ranger. She is also loyal, always siding with her friends to fight for what is right which could qualify her to be in the second choice.

COMMUTER DETAILS: The commuter will not be tapped by the Death Eaters.



Madison is a power ranger so she has skills in hand to hand combat enough to defend herself. However, her power is focused in magic and in combat, she tends to use water-based attacks using her MagiStaff. Unlike the others on her team, it does not take another form. After the events in the three parter ‘Dark Wish’, Madison had gotten an upgrade thanks to the council, making her be able to morph into Legendary Warrior mode. Like her original form, Madison also uses water based attacks in this form, most noteably the Tidal Wave attack in which she used to defeat the first of the Ten Terrors, Magma.

Madison also has a special spell that turns her into one of the Mystic Titans, the Mystic Mermaid. To put it lightly: she can turn herself into a fifty story robot. In Legendary Warrior mode, she fuses with the pink, green, and yellow rangers to form the Mystic Lion zord. Due to the nature of these spells, they will most likely not be used in the game.

Outside of combat, she has knowledge of typical spells. A note I would like to add is that at times, but mostly when morphing, instead of speaking the incantation, they punch in a ‘code’.

WAND: Rowan, 8 inches, Mystic Morpher

I chose Rowan as Madison's wand wood because of her nature as a power ranger; protect the innocent and keep evil at bay, which shows that she has a pure heart. She is also known as the level-headed sister and the one in the group that thinks with her head as it's shown when the rangers go to a lesson on spells. Madison would be strong at Charms  and Transfiguration for this wand because she is the first to use her magic for non-combat purposes such as cleaning the record store where she works, making a friend's head twice the size it normally is, and efficently teleporting a cd from her hand to the cd player of her sister's turntables.

8 inches should be the right size for Madison because not her height but because she lacks confidence in herself at times. During Ranger Down, she constantly asks what she contributes to the team, showing the lack of confidence. In the beginning of the season, she agrees to go into the forest only because Vida is going in, a sign that she isn't there for a leadership position. Also, she is the third ranger to 'believe in magic', and gain her ranger powers.

The mystic morpher is just that: it amplifies Madison's powers and can make her become a power ranger. Originally, it was a wand but her first mentor, Udonna, changed the look in order for them to blend in. Cellphones are good, yes? But the reason it should be her wand core because from the canon point she's being taken, being a ranger is a part of her.



application, ooc

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