Jan 09, 2008 19:11
Nicole Kidman is pregnant. She is super in love with that husband of hers. She doesn’t want to work anymore. Not as much as she used to, anyway. She dropped out of the highly anticipated “The Reader” she was going to start shooting this month. For now on, she just wants to be a mommy and a wife, apparently.
Where is that sad-with-empty-personal-life-Nicole I grew to know and love these past few years? That Nicole that canalized everything to work? That lifeless-workaholic Nicole? Who are you, happy woman with an Australian accent? I don’t recognize you! Bring my Nicole back!
Happiness makes people dull, makes people uninteresting. Sadness doesn’t equal brilliance but sometimes I believe it is the only way to get there.
Have you ever read Virginia Woolf’s novels? Stunning work! Why? The woman was miserable!
(Some reports indicate Virginia actually was bipolar which means she wasn’t miserable all the time. There are people who even say she was quite talkative and charming in some private reunions and parties. I’m sorry, I refuse to believe that. What a blasphemy!)
((Just a ME note: I did read Virginia's books before “The Hours” so I’m not talking about her because she was played by Nicole!
Yes, ME had to say that. ME is vain that way.))
I have a visceral love for Nicole Kidman’s work. I already told my family that I want a Nicole Kidman DVD Box for my next birthday. Post Moulin Rouge, I emphasize.
Good that I’m not American; apparently, she is hated over there.
Too bad I’m not European; apparently, she is worshiped over there.
But now, what the future holds? One reasonable film a year? One film, God forbid, in each two years?
Oh, Nicole, did I loose you to happiness? Did I?
Oh yeah, congratulations to the happy couple… *rolls eyes*