so jenna is over and we made taco salad! then i was drinking pepsi as we were watching garden state. and since my glasses are broken we taped them back together. well as i sit drinking pepsi they break off into the cup. it was the funniest thing you ever could see! i almost peed!!! haha.
ps. dylan im really sorry for not staying home. I LOVE
kellee wasent at school yesterday and i missed her. i got in trouble i went over my text by 425. haha. i got my phone taken away for a month. oh well, what are you gonna do?
i went to the movies yesterday it was fun. then i went over to kellees house and stayed the night. we are losers we went to bed at 11 and got up at 9. i have a really bad cough.
its been a long time since iv posted so i thought.. hmm i should post. though my life is not exciting. so there is nothing to post about. i go to school be a loser and come home. EXCITING!
i love you.
i havent seen the wheel chair guy in a while. has anyone seen him?
so, i come home on tuesday. tomarrow me and megster are going shopping. i got 300 dollars for christmas. im really excited !!! oh yeah, it snowed today. me and meghan took laundrey baskets outside and went down hills. hahaha funnnnnn.