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Apr 17, 2007 14:28

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1) Are im_just_someguy and sweariwontdie married? Nope. They know each other, though!
2) What languages does not_martin speak? ..French, I'd guess.
3) Are findonesong and waxamongfingers going steady? Not now.
4) Is boho_diva in a relationship? Yeah.
5) If boho_diva had a superpower, what would it be? Being even sexier than she is?
6) Does boho_diva smoke? Not regularly.
7) What would im_just_someguy think of mama_cohen? He loves her.
8) When did you last call rainbringsroses? I haven't in a while, don't need to.
9) Does not_martin have a dog? I don't think so.
10) If boho_diva was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Benny.
11) Thoughts on sweariwontdie? He's a cool guy.
12) Where was not_pookie born? New York, I assume. Never asked.
13) Is cafeetoranges popular? Maybe? Probably was in France, at one point.
14) What would you do if you found out sweariwontdie has a crush on you? ...Um. I'm not sure.
15) What is cafeetoranges's favorite movie? I don't think he knows what they are.
16) What animal should not_pookie be combined with? A puppy.
17) Where would not_pookie most like to visit? I don't know.
18) What is sweariwontdie's favorite food? Something foodlike.
19) If cafeetoranges and rainbringsroses were siamese twins where would they be joined? The elbow?
20) What exotic animal would sweariwontdie like as a pet? A kinkajou. What -is- a kinkajou?
21) What is waxamongfingers's biggest flaw? Can't think of one.
22) Is im_just_someguy dead sexy? ...Not in my opinion, but he's got fun hair.
23) Does boho_diva drink? Hell yeah.
24) If findonesong and cafeetoranges were spliced together, what would be its name? Rogpierre?
25) One thing you can't stand about mama_cohen? Nothing! She's awesome.
26) Has cafeetoranges been to your house/dorm? No.
27) Would sweariwontdie be a better ninja or pirate? A pirate, we're on a ship.
28) How tall is waxamongfingers? Shorter than me.
29) What is not_martin allergic to? I dunno.
30) Do you think boho_diva is hot? Oh, hell yes.
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