I haven't been posting much lately, so I thought I start up again by posting the books I've read so far this year. Exciting, I know. But I've really only been reading, sewing a bit, watching some TV/movies and cooking in my "free" time.
1. Terry Pratchett - The Discworld Graphic Novels: The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic (1/2/09)
2. S.M. Stirling - In the Courts of the Crimson King (1/10/09)
3. Scott Lynch - The Lies of Locke Lamora (1/21/09)
4. Scott Lynch - Red Seas Under Red Skies (2/2/09)
5. Simon R. Green - Something from the Nightside (2/4/09)
6. Simon R. Green - Agents of Light and Darkness (2/6/09)
7. Steven Erikson - House of Chains (2/27/09)
8. Martha Wells - The Element of Fire (3/11/09)
9. Malcolm Gladwell - Outliers: The Story of Success (3/15/09)
10. Simon R. Green - Nightingale’s Lament (3/19/09)
11. Simon R. Green - Hex and the City (3/22/09)
12. Lois McMaster Bujold - The Hallowed Hunt (4/15/09) - I'll be finishing this later today, so I added it.
And I started a few that weren't really worth my time.
I'm also reading Jared Diamond's Collapse and Parallel Worlds by Michio Kaku, plus the bedtime reading of the short stories in Magic Cats.