You should really read Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. Its an Al Franken book. He dedicated a full chapter to Ann Coulter and I think he calls her a crazy bitch at least once.
Well, he did do a pretty good job with his team of Harvard fact checkers, affectionately named Team Franken. The real bullshit comes from Michael Moore.
it's just that kind of intelligence and sensitivity that this country needs right now, with tensions toward Americans so high across the world and all. i think we should send Ann Coulter (maybe Jerry Fallwell can join her) on a global PR trip (i.e. Condi Rice or Bush's latest European scavenger hunt) and see how long it takes to have a plane fly into the Empire State Building.
she's the problem, not the solution, that crazy bitch!
Comments 7
she's the problem, not the solution, that crazy bitch!
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