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umassbluangelLJ Interests meme results
- ani difranco:
I was first introduced to Ani my freshman year in college and I instantly fell in love with her sound and lyrics. Even though it bothers Ben that I seem to only have her most popular songs (I actually have a little under 100, jerk) it's only cause that's all I could get my hands on. She's just a good artist for women to listen to instead of those pop singers singing about sex and pleasing their man. My favorite Ani song is Swan Dive cause it makes me feel better when I'm upset... and it makes me want to swan dive off a tall building. Hah. - candy:
I could live off candy. I loooooove candy. Candy makes me happy, I love to get it (minus getting chocolate from guys - that's just too cliche to be good, and I don't usually like the whole boxed candy thing), and I love all sorts of candy. Junior Mints, Receses pieces, Sixlets, Starburst, Mamba, 100Grand, Sour Patch Kids... and a million more I'm sure. I almost died when I walked into the Hershey's store in NYC. - dreams:
I'm a dreamer, what can I say? Always have been, always will be. It's a blessing as much as a curse. I guess this means my unconsious dreams though - which are always vivid, sometimes frightening, and sometimes uplifting. Mostly they don't make sense, sometimes they have some symbolism with my current state of mind. If I don't stop and think about them when I wake up then I forget 'em easily, but if I do, I can remember them for years. There's one I had when Garrett was born about a time when he was a toddler... there's one I had recently that Lauren Kate was a little older, but still happy and giggly like she is now. Last night I dreamt about EJ, actually. The second dream I had of him within the week, but this one wasn't like the previous. All I remember was that he upset me, and I was sitting next to him, crying so hard (but quietly, too) that I was shaking.... and I woke up before he did anything about it. Suggestive? Perhaps. - girls:
I love girls. I used to hate them. Then I started to like them. Most are pretty cool, there's only a few stuck up chicks that I just tend to stay away from. Girls are great. I want to be a lesbian. But, my boyfriend doesn't think it will work out too well. - john mayer:
John Mayer is alright. I was into him when I wrote this, apparantly. His songs are ok - nothing miraculous but I'll listen. Favorite song: Neon. He's asshole sexy - you can tell he's a fucking dick, and that makes him hot. I probably wouldn't like him very much if I met him, but not knowing him and thinking he's asshole hot is ok. - libra:
I'm a true libra, to the core. I fit the standard definition and the most intricate definition of the scales, I can't make decisions, I weigh everything out, yada yada yada, I'm definitely 100% libra. Yea, I believe in that astrology stuff. Besides, you don't know my first bf - talk about a true Leo. Shit. - men:
Who doesn't love men?
Hahah I wrote this in regards to my teacher-crush. I used to want to date an older man. Closest I got was a 25 year old Navy man. Twice. Sweet... - portishead:
Mmmmm Portishead. I love Portishead - they're a great band. I once stole a cd from the radio station to upload onto my computer and didn't give it back for months. It's lurring... seductive music. - sex:
Who doesn't like sex? I rather enjoy it... in many forms. Hahaha Kristen!! Wait - no... not WITH Kristen.
Anyway... sex is good. Sex with Kristen - I don't know, I've never had it. I've been lucky enough to only have a few bad experiences... and many many good ones. Girls talk about sex all the time, it's true - remember when you fainted during sex Tiffany?? - summer:
I could spend the rest of my life in summer. With occasional vacations to other seasons. I enjoy the heat, the sun, the relaxed feeling that comes with sipping alcoholic beverages by a pool... I like to swim on hot summer days. Summer just makes me happy.
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So yea, my dreams have been pretty vivid. Like this is anything new.
I can't wait for my birthday!!!
Kristen always makes me smile... I can't wait for all my chicas to come out here next month!!! Oh man it's going to be wonderful.
I found old friends on myspace last night. Like, really old ones. Like, from when I was 9. How weird.... to see how they've changed. I guess when you have a memory of someone in your mind, you can't really fathom them being so different after a few years. I guess we all grow up though. Shit.
Some pictures... cause I can and I'm lame. And those of you who actually read this haven't seen me in a while...
my favorite people in the world are little people...
Garrett loves me...
and Lauren Kate does too...
I laugh every time I see this picture. It's like he's saying... "um, excuse me?! I said NO foam! What, are you stupid?" (actually it's just Gman pretending to read the comics. He's so cute.
my little stud GQ-ing it before his christening...
haha the oldest... my very first nephew... (he's the white boy)
the other kid is Josh - he's actually a model for Mervyn's and Macy's ... no really... look for him in the paper. (If you get ads for Mervyn's...)
over summer, I hung out with Chris and got absolutely SHITFACED.... his parents not only got me tipsy off wine, but I blame them for the purple line between my lips too... (FROM THE WINE you sicko!)
this is me and bratface on our way out to NY to go camping...
(ok the first one's a bridge)
no, he's not touching me at all... what are you talking about?? you're crazy. (but i'm smiling!)
some of the campgrounds (it's really just property that ben's stepfamily owns...)
some couch lovin'... and a classic katie-face...
and here's me with a shiny head...
ok, that's all I got.