player information.
name: Sia
are you over 18?: yep
personal lj:
litoticalemail/msn/aim/plurk/etc: standardredshirt (AIM), astrapi (plurk)
characters in abax: N/A
in character information.
series: Prince of Persia (2008)
name: The Prince
sex: M
age: ~26
race: Human
height: ~6'0"
weight: ~185lbs
canon point: His first encounter with Elika (chasing her through the canyon)
previous cr: N/A
General wiki link. Specific wiki link.
Character wiki link!
Forget being kind of a friendly jackass, the Prince most definitely is one. He likes people, people like him, he’s pretty charming when he wants to be - and even when he’s not, he’s still very charismatic. On the other hand, he's not terribly mature. He makes bad jokes and can be insensitive to other people - he’s very straightforward, all things considered, which can be both good and bad.
But then that applies mainly to his opinions; trying to get the Prince talking about himself in great specificity is a little like pulling teeth in the dark, underwater, with your bare hands, in the middle of the Pacific, at 2 in the morning when you can't even find the man's mouth, let alone pry it open. That is to say - he is really not a big fan of using himself as a topic when he'd rather talk about you, you, and you. Sure, you might think he's an interesting guy, and he might agree, but don't expect him to make it easy and trade you one useful answer in return for another; good luck getting any facts from him that are true and genuinely relevant to him.
(In-game, Elika occasionally tries to turn the perpetual conversation around so that the Prince is the main topic - tries being the keyword here. One instance of this is the one where Elika asks after his origins; upon not receiving an actual answer, she says that he must have come from somewhere. The Prince answers yes! And he is going somewhere else. Conversations about this Prince trend this way, to Elika's [and possibly the player's] frustration: the Prince is only willing to volunteer hints and vague handwavey statements before he deflects enough to change the topic, or something happens that ends the talk.)
On the other hand, asking about everything else is fair game. And if you don't bring it up, he probably will! He doesn't often run out of things to talk about, and when he does, he grasps at any straws available. He's not very doom and gloom, so that's probably a relief to whomever he's talking to - unless they think brevity is the soul of wit and don't particularly enjoy talking, in which case they'll be starved for silence while the Prince jokes, complains, verbally observes their surroundings, and does his best to never shut up ever. Even when no one responds! Or especially, since he is capable of growing tired of talking to himself, and will probably foist any conversation possible on the nearest living thing capable of talking back. He's fairly even-tempered and cheerful, and so quite a departure from your usual mysterious stranger (surly and succinct as opposed to the Prince's enthusiastic motor-mouth).
When he's not indulging himself in conversation, the Prince tends to invest in what he thinks is self-preservation, but is actually him being an unaccountable, irreverent thief. He lies, he steals (you're not using it, so why can't he have it?); he can see why he should feel bad about it, but he's a big fan of owning his decisions (the consequences, on the other hand, may kindly go to someone else). It's quite easy to designate him as 'suspicious', given his preoccupation with asking all the questions, making tracks, and blatant evasion when it comes to personal details. But the distrust goes both ways - sure, he'll accept help, but he'll have a hard time believing that it's out of the goodness of someone's heart rather than because they think they'll get something out of it.
He is also hedonistic! His only agenda involves having a good time on his own terms, so he likes to keep an eye out for things like gold, thick carpets, and pretty women. He's also concerned about his appearance, although his travelling habits prevent him from turning into a complete and utter peacock: his scarves may look cool, but they're actually good for shielding his face from the sun and sandstorms, his gauntlet works as armour as well as a tool for cliff-scaling and wall-running, his coat... is self-explanatory and I'm not talking about it. But seriously, no fancy silk slippers for him! It's easier to flee from angry men guarding their women when you've got trousers that can withstand long horse-rides and footwear that won't fall off when you're on the run. Of course, it would help if he stopped being so suggestive toward most everyone of the female persuasion, but why on earth would he want that?
While the Prince is clever, he’s not actually all that smart, so he prefers to leave abstract concepts to Elika (or whomever else he happens to be working with) and think about the now; he's almost always the brawn rather than the brains of the operation. Which is probably for the best, considering that he can (I'M DEAD SERIOUS ABOUT THIS, YOU JUST WATCH HIM) and will bash his head against what may as well be a brick wall if he knows that it will help and that he can get away with it without permanent or disfiguring damage. If something is less than optimum and relevant to his interests, he'll try to fix it - just give him directions, he'll give you input, then he'll get to work - but that doesn't mean that he can't or won't complain about it every step of the way, much less get it right the first time.
Have you seen the Prince? The Prince is RIPPED. He's no gym bunny, but his lifestyle involves a lot of running, jumping, and climbing up trees (but no putting on make-up while he's up there, I'm sad to say). He has some serious skill in climbing up, around, and over things - he kind of has to, with his line in work being centred in avoiding traps and consequently sudden death. Lately this has involved jumping over inexplicable chasms and crawling on the ceiling... which is a bit new, but you know, he's adapted and now it's a solid part of his repertoire.
The Prince obviously needs to be able to look after himself what with the amount of gold he's moving around on a regular basis, so he's not too shabby with a sword. Along with parkour, this proves to be incredibly useful when he partners up with Elika; not only have most of the walkways and stairs in Elika's kingdom disappeared, leaving pretty much only a load of strategically placed poles and walls, but just about every living thing they encounter is hellbent on murdering them. While athletic and more than capable of getting around by herself, Elika doesn't even have a weapon, and so the only way the Corrupted are going to get to Elika is through the Prince - and although looking after Elika isn't applicable with his canon-point, he's still capable of it.
Your standard pickpocketing act. Get close, get personal, get the hell away with their wallet. Though he's fond of doing this to market stalls and random encampments, as well. Also tombs.
While quite a lot of what comes out of the Prince's mouth is crap, a fair amount of it can be rather smooth. He can talk his way into and out of a lot of things (though once he's in, his luck usually turns, and talking himself out involves a quick excuse and the abuse of his natural FLEE function).
And now for some anti-abilities.
The Prince has terrible, terrible luck. Sure, you might call him lucky for being alive at all, but the situations he lands in tend to be anything but. See: losing his donkey, falling down a cliff, having rocks dropped on him, monsters sprouting from the ground, discovering the end of the world as he knows it, suffering indigestion from eating curried goat while all this is happening... Has he offended anyone up there? Probably!
The Prince knows how to read, and how to write. He also knows how to add and subtract and how to convert a currency or two. That's... probably about it. He's passed through a lot of places and picked up a lot of things in a lot of different languages, but you don't want to ask him about anything terribly theoretical. Really. He's used to dealing with the here and now rather than logic bombs and the spelling of 'antitransubstantiationalist' (much less the meaning, as apt to his personality as it is).
first person sample:
Thread link!
third person sample: (This was recycled word-for-word from my app to Route 29. As was a lot of this app, actually.)
He did not approve of this.
'This' being the small, twisted wreck of metal he was supposed use to get around... wherever he'd ended up now. Goldenrod City? Goldenrod City. If he was wrong about that, Elika would know.
Sure, the bikes seemed like a good idea - they were compact. Easy to carry. Easy to store. An absolute bargain to feed (because they didn't need to be).
The trouble was that he was having a bit of a problem getting one that he would be able to ride easily. It wasn't like getting on a horse - the horse had shift to it. The horse was alive. It would snort, it would snicker, it would bite you if you were doing something wrong, and it would neigh like mad if something was up (usually him, because he was stealing it, because it belonged to someone else).
This bike relied entirely on his sense of balance. And that, that was fine. He had an excellent sense of balance. He'd be dead, otherwise. He'd be dead and mangled and probably missing a few limbs.
It was more that his sense of balance was a little stilted, right now, given that the bike he was trying out was less than half his size and an eye-searing shade of pink to boot. He could barely work the pedals. He was simply too big for it.
And he knew, he just knew that this merchant was having him out for a laugh. He'd humoured Elika, given her a decently sized deathtrap to ride around and lock up and outpace tiny children with a thing for pitting animals against each other because they could.
This had left the Prince with no other choice than the little one he was trying out right now.
"At least you can learn," Elika said.
"I'm going to hurt myself," he told her. "I'm going to hurt myself, and it will be painful, and you're going to laugh, because you won't let me try yours, and I'll be in pain."
"I'll let you," she said, and hid a laugh behind a slim hand. "But you have to keep trying until you understand this, first."
He let out a frustrated noise. He tried to work this frustration into pedalling this piece of insanity. Frustration did wonders, right? Frustration and desperation and luck. That was what he ran on, when he wasn't fueled by terror.
He pedalled forward a few paces. Stopped. Tried again.
This time he got further, and faster; this heartened him, so he kept trying.
Then he fell on his side.
case no: 02-12-08