Title: He is My Master
Author: kissthecoffin
Pairing: Minho/Taemin, Minho/Key, Onew/Key, Jonghyun/anything he can find
Summary: Choi Minho is a fairly normal high-school student. Maybe a bit to quiet and mysterious, but apart from that, he's a normal as normal can be. He even is a fanboy of a band called Super Junior. One night, he receieved a pop-
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Comments 17
I hope more SWEET 2MIN MOMENTS!!! XD
Wakakaa.... I just hope Taemin soon get a mind of his own^^
FIGHTING!!! I will be supporting you!
*dances* UPDAAAAATE!
*gives you cookie*
btw i heart this! XDD and taemin STILL naked? he really will catch a cold lol
post soon! i'll commenting in your upcoming fics! :DD and don't forget the 2min love scenes hahaha
i can't believe it. Minho is already trying to get Taemin to be like Donghae XD hilarious
can't wait for next update
hopefully more 2min stuff happens...
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