Feb 21, 2005 08:57
im so fucking sick of the snow.
i have the worst self esteem lately
Feb 16, 2005 17:45
If you read this,
Even if I don't speak to you often,
You must post a memory of me.
It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad,
Just so long as it happened.
Then post this to your journal. See what people remember about you....
Feb 16, 2005 17:40
sarah nigger and i are going to have a birthday pool party cause her birthday is a day before mine.
and were going to look so cute in our new bathing suits!
we'll listen to the beastie boys and 50 cent and nfg and everything else us cool girls listen to.
and if you're as cool as us you'll be there.
Feb 13, 2005 21:23
today i shaved my boyfriends beard.
he no longer has a beard.
he looks really young and his face is really smooth.
Feb 02, 2005 14:25
the only thing that all living things have in common is their need for water and the fact that they will all eventually die.
maybe water is what makes us die?
Jan 23, 2005 20:45
my boyfriend just told me he shaved off his beard and i felt like i was losing a part of myself
he didnt really shave off his beard
Jan 17, 2005 13:13
new screen name on AIM: OMG its xstaceyx
talk to me. seriously. it would probably make me real happy