Favourite Five Final Fantasy Females

Feb 11, 2010 18:42

The Best Girls

5. Rinoa

She is the prettiest character Square have ever made. I mean perfect. I love everything about the way this girl looks. Even her mannerisms, the way she walks, the way she jumps on EVERYTHING and one. The fact she has a dog, the fact she's nicknamed the Princess. The most important factor; she is NOTHING like the goop that is Squall, hence she's perfect.

4. Aeris

Here's the thing about Aeris (yes it's Aeris, sh.) that I love the most. She's a flirt, and despite being the last of her race she remains sunny and happy. She'srather silly, goofy and hasstreet smarts and she is not a damsel in distress (well not always...). I just advocate that she's not just this character who happens to just stand and look pretty! She saves the world! She's awesome! And thats why it's so tragic when she dies, because she is actually loveable and she does actually do stuff; (like dress Cloud up like a woman) hence her death is the most depressing thing I've seen ever and never fails to make a tear fall from my already moist eyes due to the knowledge of what is about to happen... Call me sad if you want but I actually found it really difficult to picspam this particular scene :'(

3. Yuna

Offering one of the most iconic scenes in Final Fantasy history and one of the most convincing romances. She's so sweet, comes out with some sweet little things and she's strong willed, brave and has the control of the Aeons. Because of this whenever I finish FFX she's always finished the sphere grid is basically tapping things with her staff and they crumble at the amount of HP she takes off. And that in itself ranks her high because she actually rocks my world a little when she does that for me.

2. Dagger

There are few women in the world who can pull off the amount that Dagger does. The most impressive being the orange jumpsuit. That and she's a summoner, a queen and all round nice girl. Nice is a bit of a bad word to use; but she is adorable in most of the scenes she's in, specifically at the beginning when she's trying to blend in, also when she gains some more confidence and runs around Conde Petite. I actually adore Conde Petite BECAUSE of Dagger; also Quina marrying Vivi but thats something so special it has it's own category. She's the first FF character I really loved apart from Vivi. I also must note she has the best haircutting scene I've ever seen; I mean it's not irregular in ANY stories to do a hair cutting scene but I really love Garnet's. And the fact she changed her name from Garnet to Dagger (she'll always be Dagger to me... God I love that name...) and made it SO COOL IN MY 11 YEAR OLD MIND!

1. Tifa

She's always going to be my number one. Just because she's a powerhouse of a woman. She's got the tender looks, the beautiful hair and the fists of steel. She is sensitive and sweet and kicks ass. She makes boots and leather look homely and sweet. She has an unrequited love. She has a mummy complex with little Marlene. This woman is all ... woman. She's something I aspire to be, apart from the unrequited love thing but thats whats so tragic about the whole thing, even with the pining she's strong and wonderful and is basically the best thing about FFVII :) The biggest reason I love this girl forever is she is my first gaming memory ever. My dad was playing FFVII and I was watching him, and it was the bit where Tifa is slapping Scarlett on the end of the Junon canon. My sister and I in our 7 year old forms were cheering my dad on (ironically Tifa wasn't named Tifa but my mum's name. Even more irony and hilarity!)

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