Life in general, but mostly work sucks.

May 05, 2008 00:59

Things have been tough lately. We're now down two people at work, and can't seem to hire anyone. My boss hired someone without me even meeting them, but he couldn't hack it (I coulda told the boss that if I'd met him). I interviewed someone who seemed perfect and really eager to work for us. The boss was ready to hire her, she was ready to finish the paperwork... and then she left him a voicemail with excuses about how her living situation had changed and she didn't have child care. I know they were excuses because I asked her specifically if she was ok with being away from her kids and she told me that the eighteen year old watched the four year old because he knows both mom and dad have to work to be able to make the payments on the house they are buying. So she lied to one of us. This means massive amounts of overtime for everyone. I'm conducting an interview tomorrow, but I'm not sure how it will go. What I've seen of her qualifications look good, now let's see about personality.

As far as everything else... well, work comes first right now. I have to keep a roof over my head and still be able to buy the little things that keep me sane. It means I don't have much free time. I don't get to see friends and family, and on my days off I'm either too exhausted or too busy to really relax. My sleep schedule is really off because I've been doing things like working nights four days a week where I'm getting of at either 2 or 6 am Thursday morning, and then having to be back at work at 7:30 am Sunday morning. It means that I'm usually only getting 4-6 hours of sleep at a time between those days so that I can be up in time for work. It's really starting to take it's toll. I'm tired and nauseous a lot lately.

And I'm not the only one who's starting to feel it. I already have at least one of my employees looking for another job (unfortunately my best employee, damn you unavoidablefate). But I can't blame him because if things don't change within the next week or so I'm doing the same. I really need a break. I can't keep working odd hours. And this week, everyone is working six days >.< . As soon as we get enough people hired I'm taking (at least) an extra day off.

As far as the rest of life goes, it has it's ups and downs. My "sister", sidhedancer, had her baby and he's adorable. I found out two of my other friends are going to be parents soon as well. It kinda makes me wish I was in a better place in life. I know that with my family history I'm running out of time, and at this rate I may not be ready to have kids while I'm still able. I think I'm kinda coming to terms with that, but it depresses me. At least adoption is still an option.

I realized several months ago that I more than likely suffer from depression. I'm still trying to deal with this. I've been having to fight it a lot lately. There are times that I want to cry for no apparent reason. Something as simple as a t.v. commercial has recently made me break into tears. I think it's mostly just being overwhelmed with work lately, so it should go away soon.

Lately music has been an outlet of mine. Heh, lately I say. It always has been. But lately it's been one of my only outlets. I'm finding more and more songs that I can connect to, or just dig in general. So I leave you with a new band that I've found. I've only heard the one song, and snippets of a few others, but it's one album I may actually purchase when it comes out. :)

Carolina Liar- I'm not over

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music, life, work

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