Title: Chained Beast
Fandom: Eyeshield 21
Pairing: Hiruma x Mamori
Warning: Eyeshield 21 and everything related to it doesn't belong to me. I wish it did though.
Author's Note: I'm back from the dead, this time I'm gonna take it slow. No crazy challenges, just writing at my own pace. With that said, here's a peace offering!
Keeping him in check )
Comments 4
As for this lovely piece... LOL! It does give an interesting perspective on how Hiruma has to compromise with Mamori because he's pretty much stuck with her now, thus... leashed. XDD Haha! It was really cute!
And thanks for reviewing *MEGAHUG* <3<3<3
But YAY!! MORE FIC FROM YOU!! Really excited!! No rush though, but definitely looking forward to it. ^^
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