[Fanfic] Kagi No Kakatta Heya - Enjoyment

Aug 06, 2012 23:06

Title Enjoyment
Fandom: Kagi No Kakatta Heya
Pairing: A hint of Enomoto/Aoto
Warning: Spoilers... almost none.
Author's Note: It's that episode with the chocolate. It bugged me. I wanted to do something with it. So here it is!

He didn't know how to appreciate )

fanfic, kagi no kakatta heya

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Comments 16

mugglelover27 August 7 2012, 06:32:57 UTC
You're so good at this! Fluffy and cute and exactly the kind of stuff I love to read. He sure knows how to enjoy chocolate. XD


kitake_neru August 7 2012, 13:57:44 UTC
Poor Junko XD Thanks for reading!


kyuni_ryjun August 7 2012, 13:33:59 UTC
it's really fast, u upload one superb fanfic again... :D
i enjoy imagine this story...
keep writing!! :D


kitake_neru August 7 2012, 13:58:04 UTC
Thank you, I will! XD


novlomien August 23 2012, 18:57:07 UTC
love this!! you really capture these characters very well! :D Great story! Awesome job! <3


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