My first post

Jan 01, 2005 23:45

My first official LJ post ever seemed like a good way to ring in the New Year and what a better way (ha!) than a brief history on my entry into this world? I've always watched a Buffy episode here or there, but didn't become hooked until fall of 2003. Lots of family stuff was going on (now better) and watching the show became my "reward" for the ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

Strangely familiar... anonymous January 2 2005, 12:49:17 UTC
Wow, your story is very close to mine. I started watching Buffy in 2002, when if I wanted any quality time with my daughter [15] I had to sit in the living room at 4 pm and watch tv with her. Two hours of Buffy on FX every day, and I got hooked fast.
It became my distraction from family matters which were pretty grim, and I found fanfiction to fill in the gaps between shows. And Angel? Hotness, oh yeah.
I have always been a huge Spuffy fan, but then the Brat Queen, in her evilness, got me hooked on Pet. Then Protocol, then all she has written.
I hope you don't mind the long comment from a total stranger, I do not have the skills to start my own live journal, nor anything remotely interesting to put in it if I did.
Have a safe and Happy New Year.



Re: Strangely familiar... kitane January 3 2005, 00:47:03 UTC
You're lucky you had a Buffy-loving daughter. I shudder to think what she could have put you through.

Oh, how fan fiction has changed me. The Brat Queen made me love Wesley -- unthinkable a year ago. And now I have an obsession with Xander, my least favorite character from the show. And if I mention any of this to my real life friends, I get "the look."

I love comments from strangers. How else could I make new friends?

My LJ skills are pretty pathetic -- I created an account just to read some locked entries, I have no idea how to make a square icon, and it took me seven months to make my first post. :-)


japewierd May 30 2005, 23:41:43 UTC
Hi, I'm one of the mods for darker_spike and I was just wondering if you would confirm for me that you are over 18. Thanks :)


kitane May 31 2005, 00:20:23 UTC
Yes. Younger than JM but older than SMG. It that enough? :-)


japewierd May 31 2005, 00:22:52 UTC
Definitely cos it's normally only when you hit a certain age that you stop telling people how old you are ;) so 21 again this year then are you? *grins*


kitane May 31 2005, 01:32:32 UTC
I blame my upbringing. My mom still celebrates her 29th b-day.

And I'll always be younger than Jennifer Aniston. Forever and ever. :-)


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